Chapter 9: Celebration

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The next day went pretty fast. Sage slept throughout the noon. Finally waking up for the dinner which was Brim's treat where she enjoyed herself and company of others, though she wished Viper and others were here too. After the party she went to sleep again, just to have a dream about Viper.

Remaining days of the days were over. Reyna and Cypher spent some 'quality' time together while Viper shut herself for research of a new type of poison.

They were returning back on a private Jet. Viper was sitting in the last watching the other two talk and laugh. 'They have gotten quite closer... good going Cypher. Does this guy really need my help getting info on her' Viper pondered looking out the window.

After a few moments she noticed that the surrounding has gotten silent. She then looked toward other two to see that Cypher has fallen asleep. Well he should take a rest after all he is the MVP of this mission...90% of the work was done by this man alone this time.

Its evening time, the sun is over horizon imparting a cherry red colour to the sky. The team has finally set foot on the Valorant HQ.

 The team has finally set foot on the Valorant HQ

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(A.N.:- Wattpad decreased the quality of this because of pixel orientation/ aspect ratio)

The place was silent, even the ocean was calm. Only Brim was present to recieve them, which is totally normal but for some reason it didn't seem to be normal.

"Thank you for your hard work" Brim greeted them with his usual heart warming smile.

Reyna said "So much formality...being a commander is a pain"
"Tell me about it.."Brim replied looking at her.

"Anyway Cypher you come with me for the final report of the mission while you two can go" Brim ordered while secretly gesturing Reyna to also stay.

Reyna understanding the signal said "I'm gonna go on a walk on the beach,Viper...."

Viper responded "I'm gonna back in the building, you can enjoy your walk" and started walking toward the building.

She didn't noticed that Brim was explaining something to Reyna and Cypher while they made a amused expression.

When Viper arrived at the building, she unlocked the door, expecting the normal scene of a few recruits chatting or a snoozing agent. But to her surprise, everyone had gathered around the door, as if waiting for her, with Sage in the middle, holding a sign that read, "Happy Birthday."

On one of her sides, a birthday cracker exploded, and everyone wished her """Happy Birthday"""

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On one of her sides, a birthday cracker exploded, and everyone wished her """Happy Birthday""". Viper was taken aback by the startling sight. She looked around the room and noticed decorations, as well as food on the table and a cake. Behind her Brim, Cypher and Reyna were wearing Birthday Cones.

............ In the room, there was an unsettling stillness. Everyone was staring at Viper, who had a blank expression on her face. She had no idea how she was feeling. She was either annoyed by the hassle or delighted because she couldn't recall the last time she had a birthday celebration.

On the other side, a Birthday Cracker went off, attracting everyone's attention.

......... Both KJ and Raze intended to do it at the same time, but KJ's cracker took a long time to complete.

"Thank you everybody," Viper said finally, a smile on his face. Everyone was finally able to relax a little because everyone knew Viper's personality and we were all worried about how she would respond.

Then the celebration began, with everyone dancing, eating, wishing Viper, and bringing her gifts.

(A.N.:- I know it feels a bit rushed but I seriously couldn't write a party scene)

After a few moments, everyone was having a good time, and several couples began dancing together to the slow song, while fresh recruits formed their own group.

Viper and Sage were standing together, enjoying their wine, when Jett came by and took Sage to dance, also asking Viper to come along, which she declined. The Birthday Girl was now sitting alone, watching Sage dance and enjoying herself. 'I've got to do this,' Viper thought, her gaze fixed on Sage, admiring her. She eventually made up her decision to  ask her out.

As she was going to confront her, Omen and Reyna approached to keep her company. They forced Viper to dance in the spotlight in the middle of the stage, and the audience joined in. Viper was having one of those rare moments where she was actually enjoying herself... and it was all happening in slow motion for her.

So I finally completed writing this chap... i had so many ideas about what will happen in the party but I couldn't write them well and you can see the result.

So again thanks for reading!!

Credit for Fanart:-

P.S.:- Btw my last chapter aren't doing well :'-( Share and support if you can ploxx.

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