Chapter 11: Date pt.1

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"I want you to go on a date with me."

Sage was perplexed for a minute by what Viper had said. There was a brief pause.

In Viper's imagination, she had already murdered herself over 1000 times due to embarrassment during that little stillness. She couldn't believe she'd just asked her out.

"Date?" Viper's idea of a new life with a new identity was jolted back to reality by those words.

"Huh?" Sage was asked to repeat what she had said by Viper.

"Date? Do you want to go out on a date with me? " Sage inquired again, this time with a calm demeanour. She assumed she had misheard her and that Viper was requesting something different.

Viper sobered up from the seriousness of the situation. She again made up her mind.

(A N.:- 'Again' because she already made up her mind during the party but was interrupted by Reyna and Omen)

"Yes, I want you to go on a date with me... hahaha, you promised, so now you have to go," Viper said to Sage, who appeared to be a little tipsy. She backed out at the last minute, thinking to herself, 'I can't say it with a straight face.'

Sage was confused by what had just occurred. Viper said something that she couldn't believe. Her mind went blank for a split second before overflowing with questions and thoughts. She could feel her heartbeat in her ears since it was so rapid.

Sage's cheeks became so bright red that Viper thought she was staring at a tomato.

Viper had completely forgotten that she had just proposed to the girl in front of her and was instead enthralled with Sage's lovely response.

Sage eventually said, "OK." She instantly exclaimed, "I'LL GO OUT WITH YOU!!"

Viper was caught aback by the abrupt cry as well as the fact that Sage had agreed to go on a date with her.

"You will?!" Viper said again, a bit giddy.

"Yes, I don't have much of a choice...As a present, you 'ordered' me to go on a date with you." Sage responded with a yes.

'And, of course, I want to go on a date... but there's no way I can say that,' Sage reasoned in her head, trying not to flee the situation because she was embarrassed.

"Haha... your own fault for making such a commitment," Viper said. Sage pouted in an attempt to appear furious as Viper mocked her.

"Anyway," Viper said, "let's go on a date tomorrow, okay?" Around 11 a.m., we'll go.... I'll consider and plan where we'll go and what we'll do."

"All well," Sage replied, "then I'll be going BBye" (read as ba-bye).

Sage waved her hand briefly before walking away with a heartwarming smile.

Viper was almost knocked out by the cuteness.


Valorant HQ

Next day, 6: 30 am

Sage was on her way to the cafeteria. She grumbled, 'Ugh... I woke up early due to 'excitement' for today's date.'There is still time to go on the date... I'm the same way. I don't have any work to do. What should i do to while away the hours? At this hour, no one would be awake. Well, what else I can do but wait. Viper was seated at a table when she entered the cafeteria.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you there," Sage called out as she approached her.

Viper was deep in thought as she sipped her coffee. She hadn't noticed Sage, who was now standing on her side. "Hello?? You ok?" Sage asked Viper again. Viper finally noticed Sage and responded, "Oh? Sorry, i was thinking about didn't noticed you", Viper headsmacks herself, "I couldn't sleep because of our date... so instead i was up all night planning our date"

Sage couldn't help but laugh... She can't believe the Viper she knows could behave in such a manner. Sage sat alongside her and remarked, "Well, I also woke up early owing of the excitement." "So, what's the plan?" she inquired, a grin on her face.

"There hasn't been anything thus far."


"Well, I had a few ideas, but I couldn't come up with one that you'd like."Sage found it endearing that Viper was thinking of her. "Viper, it's not about's your birthday relax and go take a nap. I can't have you looking this tired on our first date... leave it to's my gift to you so of course the things will go my way." she says giving her a wink.


So yesterday they postponed my exam...yay!! So i put up this chap as soon as possible...again sorry for the delay.

So it was a pretty bad chapter....i first i was going to write whole date in 1 part like around 2000 words....but then i saw my writing and i was like no hell nah i'm gonna write it seprately.... well my lack of skills will still be there so it won't be as good as what i'm imagining it  so sorry but i hope it'll get better as i write.

Anyways thank you for bearing with me...Let's meet at next chap.

P.S.:- i will try to be regular like a chap every week, but still sorry if i can't

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