Chapter 3: Annals

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They returned to their rooms after finishing their meal. Viper was lying on her bed, reminiscing about what had transpired in the hallway.


Viper was walking alongside Sage in the hallway.

 Sage's mood had been down since the moment they saw the shooting star, and Viper wondered if it was related to her wish... or something from the past. 

"Does something seem to be wrong?" She finally asked.


"You appear to be bothered by something."

"Ah, yes..."

"I'm sorry,"Sage continued


"I'm sorry I can't heal your neural damage," Sage said. "I've looked into it and tried my jade orb to see if there was any way I could heal it, but none of that worked." 

 Viper was startled by the unexpected response,  'Is she an idiot? Is she upset because she won't be able to assist me? What kind of selfless knucklehead is she? No, maybe she's simply saying it and doesn't mean it, 'Viper thought.

 Viper was about to react with a snarky remark when Sage interrupted her, saying, "I'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart." Sage replied, her face solemn and her voice in a remorseful tone, as if she were admitting a crime.


'Man She was so serious about it...i think I should go and talk to her tomorrow....sheesh i can't deal with these type of people' Viper pondered before falling asleep.

 It's around 2AM, all the lights in building are turned off, all except one. In a room a lady can be seen fidgeting through papers while also looking something up on the net; it was Sage, she was looking through Viper's file, surfing  the internet; trying to learn more about the disorder and hopefully find a solution; she had done so before and knew how Viper got it in essence, but she hoped that knowing it in its entirety would help her this time. 


 Viper's family was murdered, and she was sold as a slave to the kingdom while she was only a teenager. This was one of the factors contributing to her antisocial and harsh behavior. Many years later, after first light, she discovered a ruckus across the organization, and she saw it as an opportunity to finally exact her retribution. She took every poison bottle she had preserved over the years and slaughtered an entire unit of the Kingdom's Army.

 Though she was apprehended by other units and was about to be sent to a torture unit, she was instead sent to the kingdom's scientific division because she had acquired some ability during the First Light incident, which was later determined to be immunity to any type of poison, or to be more precise, the ability to adapt to any poison/toxins and gain immunity to them, but the process of acclimating was painful. 

 She was treated to various toxins and other things directly into her veins through needles all over her body for a few years before being saved by Brimstone. When 50 percent of her blood was taken and replaced by Sarin, which was directly injected into her spine, it was the most painful and where the condition was first noticed.

 She was later saved by Brimstone and was one of the founding members of Valorant.


 Sage was devastated at learning about her and the suffering she had endured; how could people be so cruel to one of their own kind? What she was feeling can't be described in words, but she was certain that what she was feeling was nothing compared to what Viper would have felt. This type of situation would have crushed any person's mind and soul, yet Viper continued to fight these jerks even when she had the choice to finally be free of it all, earning Sage's respect even more. 

 This fueled Sage's desire to find a cure for her, to assist her, and to repay her. It may appear that she is pitying her, but this is far from the reality; rather, she is admiring her.  Sage continued to read about the spinal cord and sarin, and before she realised it, it was 5 a.m.

First Light:- It is the incident in which Earth was covered by a light giving radiants their power.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this nonsense. I knew it was a short chapter in comparison to the others, so I attempted to fill it with anything I could think of to make it longer, but I was only able to add three lines. It didn't have any incidents, but it served as a backdrop for future situations. And, as you can see, the hasty viper past was written on the spot, so please accept my apologies. It's heavily influenced by @xNekorux's wattpad stories, which I initially mistook for official lore but later discovered to be something she made up. Anyway, that's all I have to say.

 P.S. :-I initially thought I wouldn't care about views, likes, and other things, but I actually do, so if you like it, please vote and share, and if you have any suggestions or comments, leave them in the comments section and I will respond as soon as possible.

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