chapter twenty-six

Start from the beginning

"Can you at least tell me what kind of party it is?" Scott asked as Stiles unlocked the door, holding it open for Lottie who was greeted with a very inebriated teenage girl screaming in her face.

"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" The girl shouted as she welcomed the trio, eyes lighting up when they landed on Stiles who gave the girl a giant smile as he began to turn to Lottie.

"Heather! Happy Birthday! This is my girl-" Suddenly lips were on his and they weren't Lotties. He immediately pulled back and wiped his hand across his lips in moderate disgust as Heather grinned.

Stiles' face lost all colour as he turned to where his girlfriend once stood and saw Scott with his arms around her waist - anticipating the girl to lose her shit. But she was still. Unmoving. Lottie only looked at Stiles, scanning her eyes over the shocked and almost scared look on his face. He didn't want to lose her. "Lotts I didn't- I'm so-"

"So happy you made it. Come help me pick out a bottle of wine." Heather continued, pulling at Stiles' hand as he stood frozen. If only she'd let him introduce Lottie, now Lottie was going to have to introduce herself. And if there was one thing Lottie was good at, it was leaving an impression.

"Heather?" Lottie ignored her boyfriend's worried look and turned her attention to the birthday girl. Removing herself from Scott's arms, she stepped up to Heather, a smile falling on her face.

"Happy Birthday Heather! Thanks for letting us come! I'm Charlotte." Lottie grinned, before hugging the girl and leaning up to her ear. "If you even so much as think about placing your scabby mouth on my boyfriend ever again, I'll rip out your tongue and sew it to your forehead. Understand?" She threatened not waiting for a response as she continued. "Nod if you understand me?" When Heather shook her head shakily in a nod, Lottie pulled back from the hug and smiled before heading back to Stiles and smirking at Scott's horrified face. "Happy Birthday!" Heather was already out of the room and running down to what looked like the basement, Lottie assumed to drown herself in the bottles of wine down there.

"Lottie I had no idea-"

"Stiles? Why are you panicking? I'm not angry at you."

"Oh my God! I need a drink, we've been here five minutes and Lottie almost started World War Three. I'll meet you two later." Scott joked as he headed for the kitchen.

"Why do I have a feeling you threatened her?" Stiles asked as he wrapped his arms around Lottie's waist lovingly, looking into his girlfriend's eyes and thanking the God's that she wasn't mad at him.

"Who me? Threaten? Never." She looked up at him mockingly innocently, clasping her hands behind his neck. "Although I do think she'd look a lot better with her tongue sewn onto her forehead." She grinned mischievously as she watched her boyfriend's jaw hit the floor.

"I'm so in love with you." He mumbled as he leant down, insanely attracted to how protective she was of him, knowing he was exactly the same.

"I know." She smirked before stepping up onto her tip toes and locking her lips with his is a fiery kiss.

They continued to make out, completely unaware of the world around them as the kisses turned more heated before Lottie pulled away grinning, grabbing Stiles' hand and guiding him up the stairs and to one of the spare rooms - at least they assumed it was a spare room due to the lack of decor in it. Stiles walked over to the bed almost sheepishly as he sat on the edge of it, beckoning Lottie to follow him with his hand, smirking as she did so, his confidence growing. This was his Lotts, and his love. There was no need for embarrassment or awkwardness. They were each other's everything. In every sense of the word.

Placing her legs either side of his, she sat on his lap confidently, placing small kisses on the corner of his lips, moving to his neck teasing him just enough and waiting for him to snap - which he did. Stiles stole her mouth with his own, clutching her jaw in his hand, passionately kissing her lips with fever as Lottie felt herself begin to lose any and all inhibitions, drunk on his love. He was hers and she was his and their love was one for the ages. They pulled away slowly as Stiles rubbed circles on Lottie's hips, as they looked each other in the eyes, asking a non-verbal question. 'Was tonight the night?' As the both slowly grinned at each other they nodded shyly. Lottie adjusted herself on Stiles lap, grinning as he groaned softly.

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