"I saw their interaction." Daniel pulled the car out on the main road. "We put all of the baby furniture in the bedroom closest to ours. I hope you're okay with that."

"There isn't room for it in your room, and she's definitely not sharing a room with us forever. I just have to get over myself." Jenna sighed.

"We can sleep with our door and her door open when you are ready. Once you've turned, you'll be able to hear the slightest noise. We won't need a baby monitor." Daniel pulled up to a restaurant and opened the door. "I'll be right back."

She watched him walk inside and sighed. She was very nervous about turning, nervous about leaving Noelle alone for so long, nervous about it hurting. She wondered how it compared to giving birth to an eight pound baby without any type of pain killers. She supposed she'd find out tomorrow.

And how odd was it going to be to have a voice in her head? That was definitely going to take some getting used to. She remembered back to Daniel's wolf. He'd been beautiful with his long white fur and black undercoat. She wondered what her own wolf would look like.

Daniel climbed back in the car with some delicious smelling food, and backed out of his parking spot.

Jenna watched him out of the corner of her eye. The man was so attractive. She found herself wondering how many women he'd been with and felt a spark of jealousy.

Daniel glanced at her. "Why are you feeling jealous?"

"You know it's not fair that you can feel my emotions while I can't feel yours." Jenna glared at him.

"By Sunday night, you'll be privy to my feelings," Daniel told her.

"You think I'll want to mark you that fast?" Jenna teased.

"I don't think it, I know it," Daniel smirked. "The mate bond is very intense."

"How intense?" Jenna asked curiously.

"If you had been a werewolf when we met, Talia would have never been able to drag you out of that hotel room," Daniel said quietly.

Jenna sucked in a small breath at his words. They hurt a little.

Daniel suddenly stopped the car. They were back on pack lands and headed up the drive towards the pack house. He turned to her. "Jenna, i didn't say that to hurt you, I said it to give you an idea of what you're going to start to experience tomorrow and fully on Sunday. You had no idea who I was to you. And If I hadn't been so drunk, Rafe would have been able to wake me up so I could stop you from leaving. He's still a bit annoyed with me over that one."

"I didn't think you were that drunk," Jenna said.

"When I first woke up, I didn't even remember mating you, let alone marking you. Rafe was.."

'Exasperated,' Rafe supplied. 'Annoyed, pissed off.'

Daniel rolled his eyes. "Thanks."

Jenna raised her eyebrows at him.

"He's reminding me of how he was feeling," Daniel explained.

"So you don't even remember that night?" Jenna found herself feeling hurt again.

"Rafe remembers every single detail, and I have watched it on replay many many times in my head, courtesy of him," Daniel said.

'Can't believe you were that drunk,' Rafe said in disgust. 'You're welcome.'

Daniel cringed. "He's scolding me."

Jenna giggled. "Wait so even though you were drunk, it didn't affect him?"

She had seen his eyes glow multiple times during their conversation. It was interesting to know how the relationship was between Daniel and his wolf. She hoped her own wolf liked her.

"Nope. It's a defense mechanism," Daniel said.

"Are you two always at odds?" Jenna asked.

He laughed. "No. Rafe is my best friend. He's kept me sane over the last year." He smiled. Without Rafe he would have surely lost his mind.

"And he doesn't mind me?" Jenna asked uncertainly.

Daniel looked at her like she's lost her mind. "Oh Jenna, Rafe adores you. He's completely in love with you. Just as I am."

She stared at him in shock, and then smiled as Daniel's eyes glowed blue. "I love you both, too."

"We will meet soon," Daniel said in a deep voice.

"Was that...?" She was having a hard time wrapping her head around all of it.

Daniel's eyes stopped glowing. "Yeah, that was Rafe. He's dying to meet you, but he will wait until tomorrow."

Daniel put the car into drive and zoomed up the driveway. "Our food is going to be cold."

A few hours later, Jenna was snuggled up in bed with Daniel. Her thoughts drifted from Talia and Raganr, to her father and Tyler, then to Rafe and Daniel. She was very nervous about tomorrow. What if something went wrong? She chewed on her lower lip in concern.

"Jenna?" Daniel said in a low voice.

"I'm not thinking about sex," she muttered, causing Daniel to laugh.

"I know you're not, but at the moment I would rather you were." He stroked her back soothingly.

"I can't help but worry. I doubt I'm going to sleep tonight," She admitted.

Moments later, she was out, and Daniel vowed to keep Noelle from waking her up.

Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now