The Fastest in The Galaxy Phos and Lux

Start from the beginning

He would hurt them, no beat them if they didn't listen.

Each day they would lose their majestic glow to the point they looked dull. 

I grew tired of their treatment.

On the night of the final race I went to their enclosure. Their bindings were regular mortal chains, they didn't have the strength to run away from the guy who's know to be the greatest hero.

The moment I opened the indoor stable door, they trembled. Whatever he did to them that day made them fear even me. I broke the chains, but as I tried to lead them out. The poor things didn't budge.

"Please don't be scared it's just me" I said reaching out to Lux. But I stopped half way as she flinched. Phos tried to stand to protect his sister, but he was so weak he fell back down. 

I didn't know what to do I was lost in this situation.

"What do I do" I asked myself

"Find another way" said a voice no doubt it was my mother guiding me

These creatures were mighty in their own right. I dropped to my knees and held out a hand for Lux's permission. I waited for her, I gave her enough space as to not corner her in her delicate state. Phos had little buzzing coming from his body, yet nothing came to life. 

He stopped the moment Lux placed her muzzle on my hand. My eyes widen I get it, they needed some real comfort. I rubbed her muzzle, combed her mane from her eyes. Their once shining orbs looked as if their soul was broken. 

"Please we have to get out here and away from that jerk" 

I helped them to stand once more, I lead them to the outside world. I've never seen them so happy. Their hooves were glowing taking in the minerals from the ground they stepped on. They began to glow again and I was smiling ear to ear. Phos bit down on my chiton lifting me on top of Lux.

Before I could comprehend what was going on they had tapped their hooves on the ground twice. Before their bodies turned to glowing blue energy taking the air.

I felt what people of today call G-force on my face

We were no longer at the city, instead we stood at the entrance of a volcano? My hair was mess, my wings had lost a few feathers and my chiton was barely hanging on to my chest. I dropped to the ground hugging the floor. 

"Solid ground" I said shakily "I can't feel anything, my bodies completely numb" 

Lux rubbed her nozzle on my face before they both walked inside the cave. 

Maybe an hour or so they came back out crunching on some very hard rocks. To say I wasn't curious would be a lie. Lucky for me a piece of whatever they were chewing fell by my feet. I picked it up seeing it was very very shiny and see through.

They were crunching on some diamonds. As crazy as that may sound or probably not that crazy this must the least craziest thing in our world. So far from what I can tell they gained a bit of strength back once they stepped on some dirt. Which has some smaller ounces of minerals they can absorb from. 

The must have traveled very deep into this cave because they were both covered head to hoof in soot. I brushed them as best as I could much to Lux's pleasure. She was a tad bit smaller than her brother and very needy. 

Once the sun was raising again I lead them to Olympus. When we landed we walked a while until coming across my mother and Athena were talking. I bowed to them giving them my respect before walking towards the main throne room. 

There he was like always Zeus sitting on his throne, but it was odd Poseidon wasn't around this time. 

"I brought both Phos—"

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