13 × curious cat

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Jungwon was sitting on the couch in the living room. Jay turned on the TV for him and went to his bedroom to 'work', and Jungwon was silently prohibited from interrupting him. However, the movie was getting boring, and his curiosity grew higher, and it made him stand up. He walked up to the door and put his ear against the wood. 

He listened closely to what was happening on the other side. There was a clear silence and some rustling. He heard clicking of the mouse, and keyboard as well. He suspected that Jay locked himself inside to play computer games. He put his hands on the door, and then squished his whole cheek on the wood, to listen even more attentively and get some hints. He was moving his head in all directions to get a good angle.

Suddenly, he stumbled. The door opened, and he fell right inside the bedroom. Jay, standing and holding the door with one hand, caught falling Jungwon with the other.

"Curious cat, hm?" Jay whispered laughing. "If you're so interested in me, you should've said so." Jay helped him stand straight. Jungwon brushed his hair back and adjusted his shirt out of sheer awkwardness. 

"I was bored. There is nothing on TV."

"Sure... Come in. But sit on the bed and be quiet." Jay ordered him with a smile. Then, he went back to sit at his desk.

His guitar was connected to his laptop, and he had a mini keyboard on the desk. He sat and wore the headphones. Jungwon saw that Jay had a music program open. He was working on music. 

Jungwon sat on the bed like he was instructed to do. However, sitting there was as boring as watching TV alone in the living room. He observed Jay. He looked like a completely different person when he focused on the craft. He had his brows furrowed and his lips reminded him of a duck's. His sharp jaw when clenched, was now even more visible. Jungwon stared at him for a while, but he noticed, it was quite a long time. He started looking around.

His eyes landed on the bookshelves, he remembered of Jay's manga collection existence. He jumped out of bed and crouched down to see every book that he had. He reached for a few volumes of the One Piece manga. Then, he took it back to bed and lay comfortably. 

Jay stared at him from the moment the boy got down from the bed. He took the books without asking and also made himself comfortable on his bed. He was surprised at the sudden changes in Jungwon's behavior towards him. He acted as if they were close friends just hanging out together on the weekend. 

On top of that, he looked adorable surrounded by Jay's favorite manga, fully focused on reading it.


p.jay: i may have or may not have the school president in my bedroom reading one piece


ejDEEJ: you're making moves now?

p.jay: nah long story short, his friends dumped his drunk ass at my house, so his family won't find out

K.ing: lmao so you've got promoted to nanny

ejDEEJ: it'd be nice to meet him

p.jay: no you won't

K.ing: yea ok

niccho: anyway we're almost at your house

p.jay: what

ejDEEJ: there goes our surprise

p.jay: DONT GO BACK 

ejDEEJ: use commas

K.ing: don't worry jay we won't go back

p.jay: your so annoying

ejDEEJ: you're*

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