72 - Black Dragon - White Phoenix [The End]

Start from the beginning

"Porsche and Lian made a deal to deceive me." I turn my eyes to Lian calmly. "But not to kill the phoenix clan, even if you could benefit from it."

Lian gives me a smile and nods.

"Right. I made a deal with Porsche to separate you two. I personally didn't plan to kill your family, Pete. But I decided to take the opportunity to reclaim the Island... for you."

"For the white clan."

"You are part of the clan. Anyways. It was not my part of the deal attacking the Island. My grandfather had forbidden any harm to be done to that island. Khun Kan said who I could trust, and I trusted his sister's son. I can not answer for him, though."

"I can." I state.

Pete's POV (past memories)

The alley was dark and damp.

"Interesting how some skills we acquire as a little kid come back when mind is unlocked. It's like riding a bicycle. Some movements we never forget."

"You want to brag about your kung fu now?!" The defiant tone clearly tries to needle me.

"That's enough...please" Arm holds my arm and asks me with his gaze fixed on mine.

"You don't need to intervene for me, Arm. Pete has a score to settle with me."

"Can't you shut up for once?!" Arm snaps back at him, exasperated.

I just give a slight smile to Arm. He releases my arm in resignation.

I adjust my white suit and crouch down so I can see my opponent's sweaty, panting face.

"You and your big mouth...tsk...you will never change."

I looked at the person crawling, trying to place himself between me and his beloved one lying on the floor, fainted. His hand was pressed above his stomach where a strong kick had probably fractured some of his ribs.

Porsche is too arrogant to give in.

"How about you, Pete?! Nice clothes and a bird will get the best of you?!"

He nods at the phoenix embroidered on my lapel.

"You took the best of me. But unlike you leaving me alone in a smoke-filled abandoned warehouse, I'm taking you with me."

"I'm not going anywhere." He holds tightly to Khun Kinn's dirty shirt.

"You act so protective of him now. Does he know you cheated on him with Vegas?!"

"...!..." Porsche body trembles glancing at Khun Kinn's face".

"Do you think he can hear us?! What would he do to you if he knew, I wonder."

I know exactly what Khun Kinn would do.


"But you don't care what he would do to you, do you?!..."

"I thought you didn't want to chat."

"You're more worried about how hurt he would be. This is so pathetic now. Maybe you should have thought about that before doing what you've done. Take him, Arm!" I turn to Arm and then to Porsche again "Do not think of resisting. I don't have a problem shooting you and Khun Kinn. Just try me."

"Come, Porsche" Arm lift him. Khun Kinn stays on the ground, motionless.

"I'll take you to a nice trip, my friend. Ah! Don't worry. You won't be alone." I open the van where my men push Porsche inside. Other chained and hooded men are startled by Porsche's grunt as he is violently pushed into the vehicle. "Maybe you have things in common to chat about...things like...hmm Vegas' size...?!Enjoy the ride."

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