Chapter 18

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Monday, 11.00

They had been following the stupid car for two hours already. Ravi was mentally tired. Because he couldn't stop the car somewhere to get coffee or switch places, he had been driving for four hours straight on limited caffeine. Normally, he couldn't drink any coffee, but sometimes it was good for keeping him awake, physically and mentally. 

After about an hour of research, Pippa had found some info on what they thought could be the other guy, but other than looking angry most of the time, he didn't have many defining features that could set him apart. Pippa also managed to take a few pictures of both men. In case the people in the vehicles worked together, she also took a picture of the white van's number plate. 

Pippa had been staring mindlessly out her window, not bothering to strike up a conversation. She did turn the radio on and started humming along with songs that she knew. They both noticed that the two cars were going toward Usk, a town in south-east Whales. Ravi had been there once when he was twelve, and the only reason he remembered that was that he had an old postcard hanging above his bed, saying 'Greetings from Usk'.

"You know, from here, it's still a two-hour ride back home, I'll drive then so you can relax." 

Ravi looked to his left and smiled at Pippa, who had stopped staring out the window. "I would love it if you do that."

Pippa smiled at him, and he suddenly had a little more energy to keep going. He followed the car for a solid twenty minutes more when things started going downhill. It started when they had to pass a primary school, just on the outskirts of the village. A big bus rode out of the drive-in right before Ravi's car, blocking their way. 

The van and Naomi's car had already passed. Pippa just hoped they wouldn't lose them. Ravi was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, muttering to himself about traffic rules, and how the bus driver was being an insolent dick. Finally, the bus passed Ravi and Pippa on their right, driving out of the town. 



Ravi's enthusiasm was short-lived. As soon as the bus was no longer in the way he tried to catch up to the two vehicles. He probably went over the speed limit, but couldn't care less. 

After driving around the entire town twice, with both him and Pippa looking franticly around them, there wasn't any sign of the car. Or the van for that matter.

An hour had passed, and they still couldn't find the car. Pippa was relieved she'd taken pictures and started scrolling through them, hoping to find any hints that she missed. 

They sat down at a quiet cafe, going over everything that happened already, while was Ravi drinking his long-desired cup of coffee. Pippa started typing away in a note on her phone, describing everything before sending the document to Cara. She eventually put the phone down and looked right at Ravi, rubbing her eyes.

"We were so close." She used her fingers to show him how close they were. "And then that stupid bus had to come to ruin everything."

Ravi grabbed her hand, putting it down with his over it. "Hey, calm down. We're closer to finding her, that's what you should focus on."


"No buts. What happened, happened. You can't do anything about it. It's bloody frustrating, yes. But not your fault." He looked into her eyes, silently asking if she understood. 

Pippa nodded, much to Ravi's satisfaction. He let go of her hand, and Pippa felt coldness wash over it, as Ravi's hand was no longer keeping the cold morning breeze at bay. His hands were always warm. 

He stretched out, still feeling stiff from the driving. He got up and offered his hand to Pippa to help her up. She took it and he told her to wait for him inside the car while he paid for their drinks. 


The ride back was quite uneventful, and Ravi slept through most of it. He lay on the backseat but was still cramped on the two chairs. Pippa glanced at him through the rear-view mirror every so often, she enjoyed listening to his steady breaths. And that might sound stalkerish, but it was the truth. 

After an hour, Ravi was still sleeping, and Pippa decided to turn the radio on again, humming and singing along to the song as she did with her mom whenever they'd go on long road trips. 

When she steered into Little Kilton, she called Cara, putting the phone between her shoulder and ear to drive and call her at the same time.

"Hey, muchacho. I read that note and I still can't believe it! I could find some stuff on the names you sent me, but it's not making me very happy. Where are you now?"

"I'm just pulling up, but Ravi's asleep in the backseat and I don't know if I want to wake him." Pippa stopped the car just a few meters short of Cara's front door. 

"Don't worry hon, I've got just the solution." 

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