Chapter 9/Christmas Chapter

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Sunday, 12.00

Pip had called Beckey, who took the same classes as her at Cambridge, and asked if she could record the classes for her, as she won't be attending them very soon. Beckey luckily didn't ask many questions and agreed. That was one less problem to think about.

Pippa talked the situation over with everyone, and all their friends went home, including Ravi, who did still want to attend his classes.

Pippa stayed with Cara; she didn't want to go home yet. First Naomi, then the rest. She was the top priority. But right now, Pippa couldn't find her best friend anywhere.

She looked all around the house for her and eventually decided to go to the attic. Pippa found Cara there, rummaging through old pictures

"Car, what are you doing?" Pippa tried to express her annoyance through tone and found that she did a pretty good job. Cara sighed.

"I'm just a little tired, and these photos are really cute! They're from Christmas, a few years ago."

"Maybe we should try to organize our information first."

"I just need to take my mind off everything, it's all very unclear." She pushed herself up on her knees and pictures to show it to Pippa. "Look, we all look so happy..." Pippa nodded.

"I remember that we celebrated with Naomi, Jamie, Nat, Ravi, and us," I recalled, taking the photo into my own hands.

"Our parents all went away, so we decided to stay over here, we'd put air mattresses in the living room." Cara chuckled and went back to the big box, while Pippa kept staring at the picture in her hand.


"It's going to be amazing!" Cara squealed in excitement. She and Pippa were preparing the house for their Christmas Party. They had decided weeks beforehand to play Secret Santa, Cara's favorite. She was that one person who knew everyone's Santa. Nobody would ever tell her, but in some mysterious way, she always found out.

The doorbell rang. "Naomi, come downstairs! They're here!" Pippa dumped the pillows she was holding down on one of the mattresses. It took the two girls hours to pump them up. Cara was already at the door. "Hey, Ravi! (...) No, the rest isn't here yet, you're the first." Pippa felt her heart skip a beat when he walked in, and they immediately locked eyes.

She smiled at him. "Hey," he said, and Pippa nodded in response. He sat down next to her and placed his gift carefully underneath the tree, which led Pippa to assume it was very fragile

"Can I talk to you?" He moved his head in the direction of the kitchen, and Pippa just nodded again and followed. Once they were inside, he pulled her in a hug, and she wrapped her arms around him.

He pulled back slightly and gave Pippa a slow, loving kiss, grinning when he pulled away. "Merry Christmas Sarge." She let out a small chuckle, cheeks tinted red, before burying her face in the crook of his neck. "Merry Christmas," The girl muttered.

They heard the doorbell again and decided to return to the living room. Pippa was barely out the door when Connor tackled her into a hug. She smiled at a hand-holding Nat and Jamie, giving them a small nod as a greeting. When Connor finally let go of her, they all placed their gifts with Pippa's, Cara's, Naomi's, and Ravi's. Naomi came down the stairs and Cara gave everyone a cup of hot chocolate. 

"Hehe, you're here at last, what took you so long?" Naomi's face heated up. 

"I was just going through some old photos. You know, to get in the spirit." Cara gave her sister the biggest 'I don't believe you'll look but turned around and smiled at the rest.

"Who wants to watch Home Alone, we have it on DVD." Connor had a childish smile on his face, as he jumped up and down, screaming.

"Me! I do!" Jamie and Pippa shared a look, they both knew it was his favorite movie.

We all got comfortable, and Pippa snuggled up next to Ravi, letting her head rest on his shoulder. He'd put his arm around her waist, pulling me close. It was great, just a normal holiday. Connor laughed his throat sore, and Cara burned her tongue multiple times. Pippa dozed off a few times but felt someone shrugging her awake everytime. 

The next morning they played the game. Pippa had gotten Jamie and bought him the worst Christmas sweater she could find, he grinned at her and pulled it over his head.

"Thanks, I love it." Sarcasm was dripping from his every word, but Pippa faked the biggest smile she physically could.

"Great, I saw it in the store and thought of you." He rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't aware you hated me this much." Pippa poked him in his ribs, and he grabbed for his heart and dramatically pretended to faint.

Ravi was Pippa's secret Santa and that little box? It was a beautiful necklace, and she impatiently put it on.

"I hoped you'd like it." He had the biggest grin on his face as she kissed his cheek.

"I love it."

Hell, things changed since then.

A/N: This one is a bit longer, but I enjoyed writing it. I hope you all have an amazing Christmas, or anything else, if you don't celebrate at all, I still hope you have a great time. Take Care!

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