Chapter 12

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Sunday 15.00

"Are you sure this is the right address?" She asked Cara as Ravi got out of the car. The ride here had been silent, but it was a comfortable silence. Pip felt sick the last few days, and she secretly wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. 

"Yes, Naomi told me before she left," Cara replied, walking over to the door and knocking on it. She stepped back and waited for a few seconds. The knock was answered by what they assumed was Millie. She looked like she hadn't slept in a few days. 

"What do you want?" She grumbled. Her eyes flickered between the three friends. Before landing on Cara and golding her gaze there. "Are you Naomi's sister?" She didn't wait for an answer. "I have nothing to do with her missing." That did it for Pippa. They never told her why they were here, how could she have known?

"How do you know she's been missing?" She skeptically asked Millie. The girl in the door opening looked shocked and wanted to close the door in their faces. If it hadn't been for the foot Ravi stuck out to stop her.

"Answer. The. Question." His words came out through his gritted teeth. Pip shot him a glare he didn't catch. She never thought he would get so worked up about this. Millie opened the door again, Ravi's hand still on the doorframe. 

The woman took a deep and let it out in the form of a sigh. "Look, I'm very tired. I really don't want to talk to any of you at the moment. Naomi left at 6 p.m., saying she had a friend to get back to. I didn't hear from her after that, even tho she said 'I'll call you when I get home'. I called your police station and they said she was reported missing." Pip and Cara shared a glance, she had mentioned a different time than when she was on the phone with Cara before. Pip made a mental note to write that down later. "I told you what I know, so you will go away now and leave me alone. I have some work to do." She slammed the door shut. Ravi's hand was in the way and got stuck. 

"Fuck!" He exclaimed, pulling his hand back. Pip took it and carefully checked it. A of worry had kicked in, and as soon as she realized what she was doing, she pulled away and fiddled with her hair. A light pink shade was presented on her cheeks. 

"That was..... weird," Cara said, breaking the silence. The other two nodded in response. "Good thing I recorded this, 'cause I already forgot half of what she said." She added, holding up her phone which was in the recording. Pippa grinned at her best friend. She ran up and hugged her, knowing she made a recording of the previous phone call she had with Millie. Ravi looked at the two girls with a smile on her face. 

"Let's go home. I'm tired," Pippa yawned making her way over to the car. What she didn't say was that she also felt as sick as a dog. She got in the driver's seat, but Ravi didn't take his seat next to her. He had always been able to see through her lies. 

"Are you sure you're able to drive? I don't want you to overwork yourself." He sounded genuinely worried, and, she didn't know why, it made his words that much more annoying. She rolled her eyes and nodded her head. He sat down next to her, making sure she was okay.  

~Time Skip~

They'd just dropped Ravi off at his house and started driving back to Ward's house. Cara started to worry more and more about her friend, she was one of those lucky people who never got sick. In the years she knew Pippa, she'd got the flu once. ONCE. So she decided to hesitantly tap her on the shoulder. 

"Hey Pip, not to be a party pooper, but maybe we should go to the medic. Just to check." She added when she saw Pip's eyes. "You threw up yesterday. I know you think it's nothing, but please." She looked at her friend with puppy eyes. "For me?" 

Pippa sighed and changed the navigation to the doctor's clinic. She knew her friend was right, and Ravi was worried too. She hated going to the doctor. Since she was little, her mother used to have to drag her there. 

~Another time skip cuz I'm lazy~

It was weird. After the checks, she wasn't allowed to leave. For 'Medical Reasons'. The only thing it did was worry Cara, while Pip was the exact opposite. At this point, she couldn't care less, she knew she was fine. So why wait for a doctor to confirm it? They sat in the waiting room, told that a doctor with white, curly hair would tell them the details. 

She eventually came in and turned out to be quite young. She looked around the room and back at her clipboard. Patients were looking up at her hopefully. "Pippa Fitz-Amobi?" She asked, scanning the room once again. People groaned and leaned back in their seats, shooting Pip and Cara glares as they got u. The doctor nodded and started walking. She stopped in front of a room, gesturing for both girls to enter. She looked back at her clipboard again as they sat down in two chairs. 

"Well, I have good news," the doctor announced, Cara sighed in relief. "You're both perfectly healthy." That turned her expression from glad to confused.  She had millions of unspoken questions, written all over her face. Pip took a second to read the biggest one and had already formed it in her head, ready to ask.

"What do you mean both? There was no second check-up done." Her voice was calm, but her mind was racing. This was all just very unclear.

"The fetus." Pip[a froze, she knew what that was. But it wasn't true, it couldn't be. Cara had no idea what that word meant, something with feet?

"The what now?" She asked, completely oblivious to the look on her friend's face, she'd turned as white as a blanket in a matter of seconds. And one word, well, a name, kept racing through her mind Ravi.

"The child." the doctor pointed at Pippa. "She's pregnant." Cara looked at her friend in shock, who was biting her nails like a crazy person. 

"Oh, Muchacho, you have some explaining to do!" She yelled at Pippa who didn't flinch. The doctor noticed the tension between the two. She scratched the back of her neck and slowly retreated towards the door. 

"I'll, uh, leave you to it." She said. "Wow, master of reading the room" Cara sarcastically thought as she shot the doctor a glare. Once she left, she shifted her chair so she sat in front of Pip. The girl was on the verge of tears at this point. 

"What the hell is going on?!"

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