Chapter 6

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Saturday, 13.00

"Good afternoon Muchacho! You look like sunshine itself." Cara sarcastically said, rolling her eyes at her best friend, who was still frowning and pouting like a four-year-old, even though they were already out of the car.

They were all here, well, everybody except Noami. When Ravi quietly asked Cara about her whereabouts, she smiled at him and shrugged her shoulders.

"She couldn't come, she went to her friend in London, but I already gave Pippa an extra hug from her. She'll be back tomorrow."

They headed to a small, you can't really call it a restaurant or a club something in between, bar, ordered some drinks, a little too many, even Pip was a little drunk. She didn't remember much of that night, just some vague flashes in her head.


Sunday, 07.45

Pippa woke up the next day, having a huge hangover. That wasn't even the most shocking thing, oh no it wasn't. Because she woke up, not in her dorm or old room, not maybe at Cara's house in the guest bedroom or on the couch. Of all places, she woke up in Ravi room, in his bed, with him next to her. "What the fuck happened? What am I doing here?" She thought. Just then, the memories of last night start became a little clearer. Her cheeks were on fire, just like her entire body.

When she looked at the boy next to her, it gave a weird feeling. For instance, why did she feel such a big urge to kiss him? She wouldn't do that, actually, why not? No, it be weird waking up with a kiss. And he slept way longer than she did... but, maybe, NO. 

She lifted her head a little, laying it down at the same height as Ravi's. Once she put her face down again, she wondered why she did that, now she only wanted to kiss him more!

All of a sudden, her thoughts were interrupted, his eyes opened, and before she knew it, their lips met. She melted, completely devoted to the boy in front of her, with new confidence, she bit his lip and gently pulled it, like he did the day before. And this time, Pippa too, was rewarded with a low moan from the other. When they broke the kiss, he asked, a little out of breath;

"Hello Sarge, did you get enough time to drool me over? Why so nervous?"

"First of all, I was NOT drooling, and second, I was also NOT nervous!"

"I didn't know that today was opposite day, you should have told me." Ravi quipped, making sure that she didn't broke their eye contact.

"Haha, very funny, I'm sorry, I bet you were shocked to, waking up in this state the first time!"

"Now that's actually funny, this never happened to me before either. It's a little less scary like that, isn't it? So, what do you want to do today?"

"Okay.... completely changing the topic, but sure, maybe, eat something, lay in bed, It's weekend. That's allowed, right?" His cheeks turned red, luckily, her's turned their normal shade again.

"But what do you want to do all day? I'm a dork, remember? I can't think of anything!"

"I have a few idea's"

She pushed herself up, not caring about the face that nothing of her was covered up. He'd probably seen all of her already. Pippa leaned over Ravi, who's face was still very red, and swung one of her legs around his waist, straddling him. She grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up a little, Ravi got the hint and sat upright.

Pippa grabbed his chin and kissed him, and it started slow and passionate, but quickly turned more heated. Pippa's hands were grasping Ravi's hair, and she pulled on it quite frequently. On of his hands was on her hips, the other was on the back of her head, keeping her as close as possible. 

And then the phone rang. Hard and long, when it finally stopped, it rang again, forcing her to break the kiss and get the phone. While it was conecting, she saw Ravi looking at her, she turned her head and smiled

"Hey, sorry to call, but it's really important, did I wake you up?" Cara felt guilty, she could hear it

"No, no problem at all, what's wrong?"

Cara took a deep breath, "Naomi is missing."  

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