Chapter 1

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Friday, 12.00 ('You' is Ravi)

One morning he read in the newspaper that Pip's plan worked. After processing what this meant, he ran up to his room and snatched his phone off his bedside table. His fingers automatically navigated themselves to the phone number he'd copied down from a noticeboard at Cambridge Campus. He'd seen her name paired with the number in question and added it to his contacts. He never had the guts to call her, but now everything was over, Ravi thought it was worth a shot.

You Hey Sarge, remember me? -🗸🗸

"Okay, now we wait." Ravi sat down on his bed. "She could be in class or something." He sat there, tapping his foot against the hardwood floor. Just as he was about to put his phone away, wondering if he might have copied down the wrong number, He saw the word typing..., just beneath her name.

"Whoo! Yes!" He was almost dancing in his room from happiness.

She didn't forget about him! But as he was celebrating, he realized he shouldn't get his hopes up, and that maybe she moved on and found someone else. His chest already tightened by just thinking that. He really hoped that that was not the case.


She was snapped back into the real world again, having stared at the text message until her dormmate Beckey was waving in front of her face with wide eyes.

"Earth to Pippa, what are you doing, you're scaring me!" The concern in her voice sounded genuine, and Pippa wanted to smile. Beckey was the only friend she'd made so far, but she liked it that way.

Pippa dismissively waved her hand. "Oh, nothing. Just a text from someone from my old town. T'is not really important, just haven't talked to him in a while."

A grin grew on the other girl's face. "Oh, so it's a he now, this should be interesting, so what is your relationship with this 'he'?" Pippa's roommate was boy-crazy, and constantly stuck her nose in Pippa's non-existining dating life.

"Oh, um," Pippa hesitated, not sure how to word it, "you see, uh, just, I kindá used to date him." Her cheeks were red and Beckey's smirk was wide. "But it wasn't anything serious, only lasted a year or so." She quickly added.

"Oh, sure. Nothing serious." She could just hear the gears turning in her roommate's brain on meddling between Ravi and her, but to Pippa's relief, she did that on her bed. On the other side of the room. Now, finally, she had the time to answer.  

"Should I text something sarcastic, or something sweet?" Then the more realistic part of her brain took over and chose the first. "No, he probably moved on and just wants to be friends. Sarcastic it is."

Grumpus😊 No, I don't, who is this? :)

You Don't you remember your ravishing ex-boyfriend? ;D

Classic Ravi. Pippa had to admit, she missed his bad jokes and all the weird nicknames that he'd come up with. A wide smile spread across her face, putting her dimples on display.

Grumpus😊 O, that one, we can at least talk over the phone instead of texting!

Ravi smiled, he thought that too, wanting to hear her voice again amongst so many other things. For example; he wanted to kiss her and ask her to never leave him again. He just hoped she wanted the same. A million thought flashed through his mind. "Fuck it." He pressed the green button next to her name and heard the phone ring, just once.

"We did it. Oh my god! We actually did it! Ravi, this is the best news in 697 days!" When he heard her voice through the speaker on his phone, he knew that it wasn't enough. He wanted, no scratch that, he needed to hear and see Pippa in person.

"Have you been keeping track, is that how bad you wanted to see me?" Despite everything, he managed to keep his cocky composure.

"Hey Pip, is it okay with you if I come to Cambridge, we can catch up, grab some coffee together?" He thought she could hear his heart pounding in his chest, he wanted to see her so badly, hoping the feeling would be mutual. It was.

"Sure, I know some nice spots around here-" He heard her head turn away from the phone. "Beckey no, I'm not going on a date, I'm just going to catch up with a friend." Ravi heard a person say something in the distance. Then Pippa's head turned back to the microphone. "Ravi, tell her you're not my boyfriend!"

"Yeah, I'm not her boyfriend, we broke up when she went to Cambridge, sorry to dissapoint" He was having a hard time trying not to laugh, "Can I talk to just Pip again, please?"

"Sure. What were we talking about? Wait, oh yeah, I remember. You can over if you want to, no problem."

"Great. If I leave in a few minutes, I'll be there in 2 hours max." He could hear his smile through his words.

"Amazing! See you soon!"

He laid down on his bed, nervous about seeing her again. Despite desperatly wanting to see her, the nerves were still there. Normally he was so confident around her, at least he gave the impression that he was. Looking back at how shy he was when he tried to tell her that he had feelings for her, when she was just out of the hospital, before her big presentation, he got up and walked toward the trainstation.

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