Chapter 17

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Monday, 07.00

Pippa wasn't feeling it. The nausea, bumpy road, and awkward silence weren't making this road trip with Ravi easy. He and Pippa decided to check their only lead, Naomi's last shared location. Cara opted to stay in Little Kilton and continue Pippa's search for info on Millie. 

Ravi was driving but also constantly glancing at her. She'd called her doctor a while ago, about the baby and everything, but after that, only the sound of the car driving could be heard. After a few minutes, he couldn't stand the silence anymore, it was eating him up. "So, when's the first ultrasound?" He knew less than nothing about pregnancies but tried to be as involved as possible. 

"In about ten weeks. Should determine if the baby's healthy or not." She looked out the window, picking on her nails.

"That's not for a long time. Did she say something else?"

"Nah, just that I should be careful and try not to fall." 

Ravi nodded very dramatically. "Ah yes, and trying to find a missing person who could be kidnapped is being very careful." He sent a playful glare toward Pippa, who chuckled at his words.

They started chatting about other things, like school, and Ravi's parents. His aunt still seemed to like Pippa more than him, even after everything that went down. 

~Time skip brought to you by cramps and drooping eyelids~

Pippa woke up just as they passed a relatively big city called Stoke-on-Tent. She planned only to close her eyes for a few minutes but ended up falling asleep. Ravi hadn't woken her up, he didn't have the heart to. He knew how awful it could feel to be tired. 

She looked around after smiling to Ravi and took the scenery in. Just as she looked through Ravi's window on her right, she saw a white van pass, followed by a very familiar car... Pippa didn't waste any time and told Ravi to turn around at the first upcoming roundabout, close to a village called Holmes Chapel. 

Ravi didn't ask any questions, just did as he was told, and followed Pippa's instructions, speeding until she caught sight of the van and car. Naomi's car.

As they passed the car, trying to look as normal as possible, she noticed the owner wasn't in the car. No, instead of Naomi's soft face, she saw two burly-looking guys, one with tattoos on his face and shoulders. Pippa was confused for a moment, then grabbed her phone and searched for an old picture of the same car, which they took a few summers ago. It had the same number plate. She just kept glancing between the car and her phone.

"Hey Pip, what do we do now?" Ravi's voice broke her silence, and she looked up at him with determined eyes. 

"Follow that car." 

Ravi nodded and started driving normally, but making sure he took any exits the two guys were taking, while Pippa caught him up.

"That's Naomi's car." Ravi looked at her with curious eyes. "I recognized it when we passed them, and I'm right! Look at this picture. It's the same number plate. This can't be a coincidence!" Ravi looked at the picture and then back at the car that was currently in front of them. He nodded, much to Pippa's satisfaction. 

"Could you look on the internet if you can find anything on those guys? I'll make sure not to lose them from my sight." She nodded and started tying vigorously on her phone. 

After about fifteen minutes of silence, Pippa shot up, her eyes glittering. She showed Ravi her phone, and he glanced at it a few short times, not wanting to lose sight of the road or the car. Eventually, he gave up trying to read the article. "Could you please read it for me?" 

Pippa nodded enthusiastically and started explaining. 

"I found this article on the guy with the tattoos, but nothing on the other one yet. It says here he's an ex-criminal, former inmate of the HMP & YOI Grampian in Scotland." She scoffed. "Not so ex is he's stealing cars. Anyway, he was freed after serving two years, due to good behavior. Was convicted of murder and burglary." 

Ravi nodded, taking everything she said in. "So, we're dealing with actual, dangerous criminals here. Great, just what I needed," He muttered sarcastically, tilting his head up at the sky. "Why God, why?" 

Pippa couldn't help but giggle, which made Ravi laugh as well. After a while, Pippa went back to her research and Ravi put his entire focus back on driving. Well, not his entire focus, because he just couldn't resist sneaking glances at Pippa every few minutes.

Hey. So, I know I haven't been active at all lately, but I found some random motivation! Yay! It is currently 01.55 (am) for me and I'm really tired, but I finished editing the other chapters and will be writing and updating a lot more.

Also, I'm very excited about the BBC show! I honestly love the casting, but really hope they will also air it in other countries. 

And, 7000 Reads? Holy shit that's a lot. It means so much to me that some people actually click on my story and read through my shitty writing. Hope you enjoyed!

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