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Severus had been right, they did see him at the next game. Only, they never actually got to see the game. Before it could even start, the Headmaster made a declaration that the game was being cancelled due to an incident, involving a student. Lucius knew what it was and the guilt hit him harder than he expected.
"Well." A voice suddenly said, breaking Lucius from his thoughts, "you are more than welcome to stay."
"Thank you, Severus. Would it be possible to have the children go somewhere, so that we may speak in private?"
"Of course, why don't we get Draco and then go to my rooms. The children can stay in my library."

Once everyone was in Severus' rooms, Lucius got the children settled in and then made his way back to the sitting room.
"So, what is it that you want to talk about."
There was a long pause before Lucius spoke "the attacks are my fault. At the beginning of the year I put a book into the youngest Weasley's cauldron, The Dark Lord gave me orders to find a way to get the book into the school. Severus I didn't know what it would do, but I didn't ask either and now students are hurt. I-I don't want to be apart of this anymore, I want-no need to get out. For the sake of my children and Ravenna and you, and, and fucking Molly Weasley. I need out before Iris looks at me the way Draco does, like I'm a monster." By this point tears were openly flowing from his eyes, Severus had never seen his friend so terrified.
"I will talk to Albus. But Lucius, you are not a monster and you are not alone in this."
"Thank you, old friend." With that he wiped his face and stood up, headed for the library. Before he could get too far Severus spoke up again. "He does not think you're a monster and he loves you, both of your children do. I'm proud of you Lucius for taking this step." Severus true allegiance was never a secret between the two of them, but their friendship was more important to Lucius to rat him out and hearing that the other man was proud of him, made his decision that much easier.

A while later saw the small group settled around the table in the small kitchenette, all with full stomachs and smiles.
"I really wanted to see you Draco." Iris pouted softly-despite her father's rule.
"You're seeing me right now."
"I meant flying."
"Oh, well when I come home for the summer I'll fly all around the house and maybe I'll even let you fly with me."

As he watched his family laugh together, Lucius knew he made the right decision and although he was terrified, he was going to do it.

Really short and long overdue, I am sooo sorry.
I want to get your guy's opinion, but I'm thinking of jumping ahead a few years. Let me what think.

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