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He couldn't believe it, his little girl was 4.

The morning had started off slow, he awoke early to set up everything for her party. It was going to be a small affair, Severus, Draco, himself, and of course Iris, that was it. He then went and dressed himself before waking her up.

"Iris angel, wake up"


"Happy birthday, big girl"

She sprung out of bed and into his arms, giggling happily as he kissed her all over the face. He dressed her, casually for now, although she had a dress for later in the evening. After that they made their way down to breakfast, meeting Severus and Draco in the dining room. Iris was very excited to see her godfather, she knew he would be at the party, she just didn't know that he had come in the night.

"Sevy!" She yelled as she ran into his arms

"Hello little one, happy birthday"

"Thank you"

"Alright you two, time to eat"

They all sat down to eat, Iris had asked for waffles the day before, so that is what they had along with fruits of all sorts. After that, they all headed outside, the children decided that they wanted to swim, so Lucius sent Dobby off to get their swimming suits. Once the suits were on they ran off into the water, Severus and Lucius took this time to discuss business and some personal things.

"I've decided that at the end of the month I'm making the divorce official"

"That's big, have you told the children?"

"Yes, about two weeks after Draco came home Narcissa and I got a huge argument. She had brought one of her play things home with her, it turned into a screaming match. Draco came in as I was yelling about her sleeping around, I may have called her a slut. Anyway, one thing led to another and I found myself sitting with both children on my office couch, Draco was devastated. Iris took the information a bit easier than her bother, but what can you expect, she hasn't seen the woman since the holidays." The last words came out as a sigh, he looked over to where the kids were splashing around, keeping a watchful eye on his daughter as she flipped over to swim on her back.

"Well everything seems to be alright now, with Draco I mean. "

"Yes we talked that night, after Iris went to sleep, he seemed to understand why I have to do it. He loves his mother very much, I explained to him that once she leaves, if he would like to go with her...then I won't stop him."

"Wow," was all he got in return.

They stayed outside the rest of day, eating lunch on the back patio and playing in the gardens. It wasn't until the sun was starting to set that they went inside, Lucius was shocked when he was able to get Iris upstairs and changed without her seeing the decorations. Once she was dressed they made their way to the top of the grand stairs and for the first time Iris was able to see all the things her father, bother, and godfather had setup for her. Little real, live, fairies lined the hand rails, there were vines of purple and pink flowers and leaves hanging for the ceiling. Draco and Severus stood at the bottom of the stairs, wearing black dress robes both holding something in their hands.

"Wow" Iris said in awe, her face bright with a smile

"Do like it, angel?"

"I love it" she squealed and took off down the stairs meeting Severus at the bottom, he held out the package in his hand and said "Open it".
She lifted the lid off the box and gasped, as she took in the beautiful and elegant little necklace.

"It's so pretty" she whispered happily

"May I put it on you?" He asked and she nodded, turned around and he clipped it around her neck. Draco walked up to her and pressed the box in his own hands, she opened it and was happy to see a beautiful flower crown, which he placed on her head.

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