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It's been a little over two months since Draco left and Lucius separated from his wife, at first Iris questioned why her mother was never around but quickly learned to live with the new family dynamic. As demanded they never spoke except once to discuss that things would go back the way they were before Draco left only during the holiday, then continue the way they are now. One rule stood, he refused to sleep in the same bed as her. He also kept his word about not giving in to her needs so she left at around lunch and came back at all hours of the night, Lucius had grown tired of hearing her stumble up the stairs next to his room so he usually fell asleep on the couch in Iris' room. It was spelled to block out noise and that is where he would wake up in the morning.

Today was no different, he woke up to the feeling of something on his chest and breathe on his face. His eyes fluttered open and Iris' face was right above his with her hands on his cheeks and forehead touching his, "good morning angel", she just poked his cheek and laughed "oh you think that's funny?", "yeah" he squinted his eyes at her than started to tickle her. The room was filled with the magical sound of the little girl's laughing and it made him smile, after a few minutes he finally stopped, "should we go have breakfast my angel?" She nodded her head happily so he picked her up and walked down to the dining room. They sat down to eat and talked about things unimportant, "angel we're going to Hogsmeade today, then to see Draco and Severus", "Sevy" she shouted happily. For some unknown reason to the rest of them she loved Severus, and he had taken a liking to her to, he was after all her godfather. "Yes, Sevy now let's get dressed and ready to go, while we're there we can go to the sweet shop then have lunch at the Three Broomsticks". Lucius changed then help Iris get ready, as they were leaving her room the door at the other end of the hall opened and out stepped Narcissa, "mummy!" The little girl shouted and ran to the woman, this was the first time she had seen her mother since Sep. 1st. Narcissa simply ignored her as she reached to be picked up, she walked passed both of them then down the stairs and out the door. When Lucius looked back at the girl he could see the tears running down her face, "oh my sweet angel come here" he kneeled down and held his daughter tight as she cried, "I know, hey let's go get some sweets then see your brother and Severus", "Sevy".

With a sharp turn and loud pop they were in Hogsmeade, the town was covered in snow "this is pretty daddy", "it is and oh look there's Honeydukes" the two made their way inside the shop and looked around, he allowed her to get anything she wanted, this even included Blood lollipops. They then made their way to The Three Broomsticks and ate lunch, there was still time before they had to go to the castle so they went to the book shop and read, when the time came they walked to the gates and there was a carriage waiting for them.

On the way up they were passed by the trip to Hogsmeade the older kids took and was at the castle in no time, "daddy do princesses live here?", "no not princesses but Draco and Severus do, well during school", "Sevy lives with Draco?", "technically".  When they got in the castle the first thing they had to do was see Dumbledore and inform him of their arrival, after that they walked down to the dungeons where Lucius had planned for Draco to meet them outside the Slytherin common room, which he was, "Draco!" Iris said happily, she missed her big brother, "Hello Iris, father", "Son". Though he would never say it Draco missed his family, especially his little sister because even if he didn't always like her, he always loved her. He was her protector and he liked that responsibility, "So Draco, how are classes?", "They're good father, but potions is the best", "I am glad to here that, and you're settled in fine?" They had started walking with Iris in the middle holding both of their hands, "Yes, I have a nice group of friends but the only issue is Potter and his little group", "Potter as in the boy would lived?" , "Daddy who is the boy that lived?" "No one important angel". He had never told her about the Potters or his life before her, he didn't want her to see him as the monster he used to be, "Let's just move on from this topic, any girls caught your eye Draco?", "Not really, I mean Pansy is all over me but she is just annoying", "Is that the Parkinson's girl?", "Yeah", "Daddy when are we seeing Sevy?", "Oh actually we have to meet him in the entrance hall now, so Draco, good night son", "Good night father, Iris".

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