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Christmas Day, Iris's favorite day of the year (besides her birthday of course) was just beginning, and the little girl could only wait so long before she got out of bed. She wiggled out of her covers and then slid off the side of her bed, before running towards the door, she threw it open and in the loudest voice she could, screamed, "IT'S CHRISTMAS!"

Up and down the hall doors opened and three very startled and confused adults rushed out of their rooms. Lucius got to her first, a worried look on his face as he knelt down to her level.
"What's the matter, Angel, are you okay?"
"It's Christmas daddy!"
"So it is, but why are you shouting?"
"I'm just excited." She squeaked.
This elicited laughter from the three adults and lightened the mood considerably, Lucius picked Iris up and together they all went down to the sitting room to open presents.
Iris received lots of amazing presents; from doll clothes, to books, to even more jewelry, Iris loved every single one of them.

After presents, they moved into the dining room for a large breakfast, and from there they went back to the sitting room. They spent a few hours talking-Iris played with her new doll and clothes-and before she was ready for it, it was time for Severus to depart.
"Do you really have to go?"
"I'm afraid so little one, but if it would help, I don't want to go anymore than you want me too."
"I love you, Sevy."
"I love you too, little one." He wrapped his arms tightly around Iris in a fierce hug before lifting her off the ground and handing her to her father, or at least tried to. "Iris, oh sweet girl, it's alright. I'll see you for Draco's next game, okay?" He whispered softly to her, she nodded but still refused to let him go.
After a few moments Ravenna stepped forward and gently untangled the girl from her godfather and took her into her own arms. Iris fought for a moment before conceding and burying her head into Ravenna's neck, the woman ran her hands through her hair doing her best to calm the girl.
The men exchanged goodbyes and the door closed behind Severus, leaving the three by themselves. They decided not to return to the sitting room and instead went up to the library where they spent the rest of their day reading.

I know, and I am sooo sorry. I started college between this chapter and the last and it has been a lot. And I know it's short but the book has been getting some attention and I wanted to give you guys something, even if it is really short.

Iris's presents:
From Lucius

Iris's presents:From Lucius

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