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Iris was ecstatic, they were going to Hogwarts to watch Draco's very first Quidditch game. She had been talking about it nonstop since she found out about it a few days ago, oh how she missed her brother.

Lucius saw how excited she was and it did his heart good, he had be thinking a lot about the encounter a few weeks ago, Ravenna, Iris had been right. Her name was beautiful and so was she, he had been debating on whether or not to send her an owl. He thought himself ridiculous for even thinking about it, he had literally just gotten out of a marriage-a loveless one mind you-but he couldn't stop thinking about her.

"Daddy, let's go pweaseee," Iris whined from the doorway of his office.

"Angel, what have I said about the whining and speak properly, I know you can." He said gently. He walked over and swung her up into his arms, making her giggle.

"Can we go now, please?" She made sure to emphasize her please.

"Yes we can, let's go get your stuff on and then we can go."

Together he help her put on her boots and coat and much like last time they apparated form the house and came to at the gates. Iris was bouncing happily in her fathers arms, the walk was long but she loved looking at the forest.



"Do you think Draco will do good?"

"Well I'm hoping he will be."

"I think he'll do great, he's really good on a broom."

Lucius only hummed in response as they finally made it to the castle, there was a mass of students waiting to be led down to the pitch. There were teachers milling around and Iris was looking extra hard for one specific teacher in particular, her godfather. She was also looking for her brother, unaware that he and the rest of the Slytherin team were already at the pitch.

"Lucius, Iris." The voice caught her attention and she whipped her head around.

"Sevy!" She all but threw herself at him, he caught her, but just barely.

He gave a small laugh and adjusted her in his arms.

"Hello, little one, are you excited for today?"


"Alright, well we can head down there if you'd like." He directed his question to both of them.
Lucius nodded and he followed the two of them down the hill.

They found their seats and soon the game began, unfortunately it did not go as planned. Although Lucius could not blame Draco for happened, that damn ball could have killed him. On the other hand, watching that ridiculous man try and fix Potters arm was a highlight. Soon everyone but the Malfoy's were left and it give Lucius a chance to check over his son, thankfully he wasn't seriously hurt. That didn't stop Iris from practically attaching herself to him, she had been really scared when he had fallen off his broom.

"Draco, are you sure you're not hurt?"

"Yes Iris, I promise. It only hurt a little."

"Well I'm glad you're alright son, I only wish the game went a little better."

"Me too, although I'm happy you got to come, I-um I sent an owl to mum, but she told me she was busy."

"I'm sorry, Draco."

"It's fine, father, would you like to come to the castle?"

"Actually, I have permission from the Headmaster and Severus allowing you to come to Hogsmeade."

"Oh, well can we go now?"

"Of course."

They set off on the long walk and Iris talked all about Ravenna. She mentioned quite a few times that she wanted to see her again. When they finally made it to the little town, they discussed where they were going eat and decided on the three broom sticks. They ordered, ate and talked. It felt nice to catch up, especially face to face instead of letters. Soon it was time to walk Draco back to the gates, where Severus was waiting for them.

"Draco, be good and keep your grades up."

"Yes father."

"I love you son."

"Love  you too, and I love you too Iris."

"Love you Draco." She gave him hug before looking up at Severus, she raised her arms and he obliged. "Bye bye Sevy."

"Good bye, little one, I love you." He whispered the last part so that only she could hear him

"Love you more," she whispered back.

Lucius and Iris apparated back to the manor and Iris ran off to go play in her room while he went to his. Having listened to her talk today, Lucius decided that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to owl Ravenna. What could it hurt?

Sorry it took so long and I know this one's a bit short but I wanted to get something out for you guys.

Working on the next part now, BOLO (be on look out) in the next week.

I want to thank everyone who has been reading and let you know that we made it to #4 in #narcissamalfoy.

Update, #5 in Molly Weasley.


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The little Malfoy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora