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A few weeks had gone by since the match and Lucius had finally made a decision, the day before he had sent out two letters, one to Ravenna and the other to Molly Weasley. He honestly couldn't tell which letter he wrote  shocked him more, asking the gorgeous woman he only just met to have tea with him or the Weasley he asked to watch his child while he did it. Having received two letters in response it was too late to back out, so here he was getting a very excited little girl ready to meet Molly at a café half way between their homes, as to not reveal them to the other for safety.
"Iris, will you please stop fidgeting so I can put your shoes on."
"But daddy, I'm just so excited, she said we are going to do a lot of fun things." She was practically bouncing.
"I can see that, but in order to leave, you have to put your shoes on silly girl." Her only response was a loud fit of giggles as Lucius began to tickle her sides. Once she had calmed down he was able to get her ready and they left.

They had been waiting for five minutes when finally the apologetic voice of Molly Weasley came up behind them and gave both a fright.
"I am so sorry, I got a bit sidetracked while getting the house ready." She was a bit out of breath and even a little nervous.
"Molly!" Iris shouted, jumping up from her chair to run towards the woman.
"Oh hello sweetheart, how've you been?" She asked as she picked the girl up and hugged her tight.
"Well that's good to hear, are you excited for today?"
"So am I, now let me have a chat with your father and then we can go." She turned towards Lucius, "Hello Mr. Malfoy."
"Hello, I must ask, what are your plans with my child today?"
"We will not be leaving my property if that's what you're worried about, I won't let anything happen to her Lucius. You have my word."
"Thank you Molly, truly. Iris angel, give me a hug before you leave." He reached out and Iris happily fell into her fathers arms, as much as she was excited for her day with Molly, Iris had never spent more than a few minutes away from him. She held on tight and buried her little head in his neck, Lucius held on just as tight if not more.
"I love you angel, you're going to have an amazing day, I'll see in a little while ok?"
"Ok daddy, I love you so much."
"Now go have fun and enjoy your time with Molly. I'll see you just after lunch, alright?"
He reluctantly handed her back over to Molly and started walking away from them, he'd only gotten a few steps before he heard little feet rushing towards him.
"Daddy!" Iris shouted as she threw herself at him, he was quick to grab her and haul her up. There were tears rolling down her cheeks and it broke his heart.
"Oh angel, it's alright, I promise. Just a few hours, my love and then I'll see you again."
"Can't-can't I come with you?" She hiccuped.
"No baby you can't, how about this, how about I bring you back dessert?" She nodded and he let out a soft chuckle, "alright, what do want?"
She scrunched up her little face and tapped her chin in a thinking matter, "hmm, chocolate!"
"If it's chocolate you want, chocolate you shall have." He gave her a loud kiss on the cheek making her giggle loudly. "Now go have fun, I love angel."
"I love you too daddy."
He passed her back over to Molly and this time was able to make it to his destination and pop away without problems.

The Weasley Burrow
Having left not long after Lucius, Molly and Iris arrived at the house and little girl was in awe.
"You live here?" Her eyes growing larger as she took in the tall building.
"I do indeed, me and my husband and our 7 children, although two of my sons are away living their lives."
"That's a lot of kids."
"6 sons, and 1 daughter."
"You have a daughter, what's her name?"
"Is she here?" Iris was excited at the aspect of playing with the little girl, she'd never actually played with another child before (besides her brother).
"Oh sweetheart, I'm afraid she is at Hogwarts with her brothers."
"Oh, ok."
"Maybe during the summer you can come meet her, I'm sure she would love to play with you."
At that Iris smiled, she not only liked hearing that Ginny would play her but also the aspect of getting to spend more time with Molly.
"Come on let's go inside, I was thinking we could paint, how does that sound?"
"Alright come on."
Molly led the girl inside and got her one of Fred's old shirts so not to get paint on her pretty outfit. Once everything was set up Iris dove right in, she painted loads of flowers, birds, and even one with her father, brother and godfather. After that they made lunch together and played outside in the garden, Iris had an amazing day but couldn't wait to see her father again.

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