{21}- Reason & Sacrifice | The Final Countdown

Start from the beginning

VR? And Augmented Reality?! What do you mean? 

Well, simply put, after Ethereal Sandbox closed us in, it elevated you into a giant rectangular prism in the air - about 150 meters by 100 meters by 100 meters. So, as a result, it generated structures that you understood and implemented its own touch, presumably from my functions. Every island in there was created by Abyss Flower copies. As for the gravitational forces, that was manipulated by the Star of Eden copies hidden in the outer walls - which were made of intricately designed PE screens that you've scanned through back in the Yellowstone Ruins and the various info coded left in the traces we've found on our journey. In short, even when Otto fell, he wasn't falling - it was just a carefully generated upwards wind current with a Star of Eden controlling his fall by accelerating him downwards, while the wind currents generated by said fans grew stronger. 

... You're saying we were basically in a simulation this whole time? 

Well, yes. But I suspect the more Divine Keys you could utilize, the stronger the Unceded Realities created by your Key could generate. So what I suggest is for you to pick up that cube before you before Otto recovers from his daze.

I opened my eyes, and my Armour that I crafted from the Core of Reason had returned to me. In my hands now held the golden cube known as Void Archives, which Otto had summoned earlier. It looked ethereal, just like my own Sandbox. I took off my mechanical glove, and touched it with my bare hands, and an immense amount of knowledge started to flow into my brain at astounding speeds. I wasn't even able to comprehend them all, and so most of them began to be stored in Ritsu's mindscape database. When the process was finished, the golden cube clattered to the floor, and I let out a sigh.

"Welt..." I saw my friend on the floor nearby, panting as he got up on one knee. It was at this moment that I realized he was yelling something to me, but I couldn't hear. My energy was almost gone. Out of all the Honkai Energy I absorbed from the ball, only about 0.3% was left.

Then I sensed danger, but I was too slow to react.



The sound of 'blood'.

Well, my blood isn't exactly blood, but it might as well be. After all, this is a physical body.

A chain from Otto's simulated Oath of Judah pierced through one of my lungs, and I could do nothing but watch as he pulled it out, and my body clattered to the floor before the Reason Armour faded to nothingness as another chain destroyed the copy of Void Archives.

"That would be the end of that, abomination." Otto declared as he stood up. "I must admit, you had me fooled there, very well. But thanks to you, I've learned many new things, so I'll just neutralize you here."

"Otto, you bastard-" Welt prepared to unleash another Quasi Black Hole, but Otto's chain was faster. It struck the Star of Eden away from Welt's hand, and seeing this, using the last of my strength, I blended it into the floor by covering it with concrete, making Otto think it was shattered.

I can't move anymore. And now Welt has lost his Divine Key, we are powerless. What to do... what to do... how is he even standing at this point? Even if Fenghuang Down's fake attack didn't hit him, shouldn't he be somewhat tired out at this point? 

Ah. Forgot. Soulium avatar. Bro has no stamina consumption. Dammit.

Before I could come up with a final countermeasure to make our battle count, I saw Margarita Ayette, the owner of the hotel and Harmony's descendent, stand up wobbly as she clutched onto her pistols. Her legs seemed to heal somehow... but maybe that was due to the residue effects of the Abyss Flower.

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