Chapter 36

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Operation Spearpoint

The city of Cliff Rock was one of four major city beaches of the Bloodred Sea. Cliff Rock had the biggest and safest beach for an army to land and set up a base of operation. A rock island rested a mile and a half off the beach. The island itself was just north of twice the size of Alcatraz Island, with a secure fort. To say that Cliff Rock Fort was the tip of the sword would be an understatement because, in addition to its reinforced high walls, its minefield on the beaches with Czech hedgehogs, cameras, and guard towers, it had a lot of big guns – from big caliber machine guns, anti-tank guns, anti-air guns with S.A.M. missiles, homing missiles, rockets, and large flame throwers all along the outside of the fort to prevent those from landing the beaches of the island and from trying to climb the walls. The fort also consisted of a chain and razor-wire dome on the overhead of the fort to prevent flying demons and paratroopers from coming in from above.

It was impenetrable. At least it was until the fort commander ordered his troops to stand down, and he surrendered the fort to the VVV, allowing the fort to be taken and the VVV's airborne to take the city. The commander's followers were spared, while those who didn't follow were killed. The VVV wanted to secure the beach to allow a full-scale invasion.

Operation Spearpoint was to take back the town and the fort before the VVV land their battleships, destroyers, blimp fortresses, and troops – basically a Normandy D-Day, but in Hell. The objective was that Cody would open a portal from inside the fort. The Knight Raiders and other special forces like the Red Feathers Force and the Black Fangs Rangers were to eliminate the enemy within the fort using stealth. Then, once the fort is recaptured, they operate the big guns and use them against the VVV's Navy, Army, and Air Force. The VVV will attack with brute force – strength in numbers and heavy armor. On top of all that, Overlords may be leading the invasion.

Blimp fortresses, or blimp battleships and bombers, were armored blimps armed with heavy guns like tank guns, grenade launchers, heavy machine guns, and rockets. They ranged in different sizes, from small, medium, and large. The large ones looked eerily similar to the Goliath ship in Castle in the Sky but different.

The Red Feathers Force consisted of mixed demons of all kinds, but all were strong and fierce – Imps, Hellhounds, Baphomets, and bird demons. They were basically Hell's Delta Force, highly trained and elite. The Black Fangs Rangers were mostly Hellhounds but had Imps and Succubus demons. Both groups had some mixed demons, too, half Imp and half Succubus. There were even some that were half Hellhound and half Imp or Succubus. The Black Fangs Rangers were the Army Rangers and Green Berets of Hell. They weren't messing around.

The Four Horsemen and the Fallen Angels were sent on different missions elsewhere, but they wished Cody and everyone the best of luck.

General Braxton turned off the projection, "You all know what's at stake. The VVV are coming at us with everything they have. I'm talking D-Day Normandy heavy. We're defending Cliff Rock. The other Goetia Kings and their armies are defending the other beach cities. The VVV are going to hit hard, and we're going to hit even harder! They're going to die for their land, and we're going to live for ours! Let's show them what we're made of!"

Everyone hollered and roared a battle cry. Then, everyone got ready and geared up. Cody would take the fort, while Loona would take the town after. Everything depended on capturing the fort. Cody and Loona squeezed each other a hug.

"Stay safe, and good luck," Loona said.

"You too, Loona. See you later," Cody replied.

"Sire, we're ready," a Hellhound Knight Raider said.

Cody nodded and got into position. They showed the map of the fort and pictures specifically of where they needed him to summon the portal. The coast was clear as the Knight Raiders and Red Feathers went through. They used their knives, claws & bare hands, and suppressed weapons to kill VVV Airborne troops – some of the kills were really bloody. Luckily, many of them were partying and drunk. They were careful as they separated enemy troops from open areas and did not damage any heavy equipment.

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