Strings puzzle

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Jungkook-are you sure you are girl?

Yana-do I need to prove you?

Let me explain the scene here
Mr Kim and Mrs Kim had to attend a business party, but as they are in Paris they will not be able to attend the party as the result their sons and daughter had to attend the party
As always our queen always have one or the other problem
While everyone will suits off course for the party
While this girl said that she will wear casual clothes red top and black shorts
*Face palm*

Everyone were in the living room only 2 hours were left and they had to leave for the destination so they need to prepare Yana
Jin already ordered a dress for her from Alex
But what was more surprising that this girl didn't had an elegant or you can say proper dress for parties except the lehenga and everyone shouted no because they had already witnessed the amount of times she fell in that thing
This girl as everyone know couldn't handle herself took the task to handle lehenga
So seeing all these evidence it was a clear no

As the dress arrived, an air of anticipation filled the room. Yana eyed the garment with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. Her brothers, in their attempt to support her, exchanged glances that betrayed a blend of amusement and concern.

Inspecting the dress, Yana raised an eyebrow,
Yana-is this even a dress? How on earth am I supposed to wear this?

The design revealed a multitude of strings at the back, seemingly forming an elaborate pattern that left her puzzled.The room erupted in a combination of laughter and hushed discussions.

Jungkook-looks like a puzzle we need to solve before the party

Yana's admission echoed through the room, breaking the silence that had settled as her brothers sat on the couch. Their eyes turned toward her, registering a mix of amusement and understanding.

Yana-I can't figure out these strings
holding the dress protectively against her chest. The complexity of the ties at the back seemed to be more challenging than anticipated.

J hope-Looks like we underestimated the intricacies of fashion.

Yoongi- Let me give it a try

stepping closer to Yana with a reassuring smile. As he began working on the elaborate arrangement of strings, a sense of camaraderie and mutual support permeated the room.

A  sense of confusion settled among the brothers as they inspected the  puzzle of strings adorning the back of the dress. The once confident demeanor of the yoongi wavered, and the others exchanged glances

Yoongi-(admitted with scratching his head)Okay, this is more complicated than we thought

Jin-Are we sure this is a dress and not a riddle to unlock a secret passage?

The room erupted in a mixture of laughter as the brothers attempted to solve the riddle . Yana, caught between amusement and frustration, couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her usually composed brothers struggling with the intricacies of women's fashion.

In this unexpected turn of events, the boundaries between their roles as powerful figures in the world of organized crime and their vulnerability in the face of a dress's strings blurred, creating a scene rich with both humor and a shared sense of confusion

Amidst the tangle of strings and confusion, the three brothers attempting to figure out the dress were met with a chorus of conflicting opinions from the others.

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