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We want justice!
We want justice!!

Author's right hand- stop shouting everyone author will be here in 5min
Readers- it has been days since she has not shown up!! DO YOU THINK THAT WE ARE FOOLS
Author's right hand- yes- ahem ahem I mean author was busy aside*reading different books* I ensure you guys you will get justice
Readers- but-

badass music in the background
Author enters the scene with attitude wah

Author- ahem so my beloved readers I know that- ouch! WHAT IS THIS BEHAVIOUR!!

Yes our got author got a kiss from flying slipper

Readers- when are going to update the story

Author- first of all call me madam . Second as you guys know that your author is very unique*thump*LET ME SPEAK!!!

Readers- stop your bullshit and write the story. We aren't interested in your words

Author- hmm you guys are very rude

Readers- you want death wish

Author- ahh no no well I have wrote half of the story but sometimes I think that it's just nonsense which I write-


Author- okay okay I am going . (Waved at the readers and started going towards the Wattpad world *thud* ) ahhhhhhhhhhh this floor


Yana- ok so what is it

Samuel- wait (said to another guy) bring that paper 📝

Yana- what will I get in return

Samuel- nothing

Yana- then I ain't reading your speech

Samuel- ahh okay what do you want money, gold, diamond-

Yana- chocolate

Samuel- ok that's super easy-

Yana- but I want fabelle chocolate itself

Samuel- no problem (clap) I want 1 packs of fabelle chocolates

Yana- thank you very much for spending 7166750 won for me

Samuel- (having heart attack) wha- what did you say

Yana- yes I said correct . One piece of fabelle cost almost 70000 won . I am eternally grateful for having a kidnapper like you

Samuel- I am your kidnapper not your friend!!

Yana- I know

Samuel- I WILL-

Hitesh- sir here is the chocolate and your bank balance is zero

Samuel- wow nice I appreciate your work

Hitesh- thank you sir

Samuel- I'm mocking you idiot. Can't you be little sensible even after knowing that this little piece of chocolate will cost my whole hard work of my robbery then why

Yana- you do robbery also

Samuel- yes a little

Yana- truth

BTS crackhead sister (on hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें