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"Even if you're sometimes having so much fun, and getting so excited, and playing with a careless fairy, so you have an accident and come home in a diaper?" he grinned, and put one hand on Karin's bottom. She could feel the thick padding between them, and knew there was no use denying it.

"How did you know?" she gasped, "Birthday said nobody would be able to tell!"

"I'm your daddy," he answered mysteriously, "I always know what my little girl has been getting up to."

"But I'm a big girl now!" she still protested. If anyone else had called her a little girl, she would have been indignant. She would have done her best to prove that she was a big girl now, and should be able to make her own choices and pick her own toys. But this was Daddy, and she loved him so much that she would never, ever raise her voice to him. "See, I maybe had to wear a diaper, but I didn't have a accident. Not once, except when Birthday..."

"Maybe you should," he answered with a smirk, "It would be a waste to go to the trouble of wearing something so cute, and then not using it."

"Oh no," she shook her head emphatically, and then went back to resting her head against Daddy's chest. "I'm not a baby, I'm not going to have an accident now. I should maybe get changed anyway, back into my normal clothes. It's almost bedtime, isn't it?"

"I guess you should. But while you're dressed like a little girl, in such a perfect costume, you could play at being little a while longer, if you want. You could be so sweet, and innocent, and I'd have to pay even more attention to you, because babies don't get left to play on their own. I'm no fairy, but I've still got enough magic to help you feel like a baby, if you want to, and there's nothing to be embarrassed about, because if you're a baby then acting like a baby would be perfectly normal." He smiled like a master chess player, slapping down the piece that he knew would win the game. Karin thought for a moment, but she couldn't see any gaps in his argument. And snuggling against Daddy's big chest felt so good, so strong and protective. "It's up to you, Karin. You can be littler for this evening, or stay diapered for a little while, or you can get changed and be a big girl again."

"Well..." she hesitated, and thought about it for as long as she dared. Maybe it would be nice to be younger again, and then if the leftover magic made her have a little accident it wouldn't matter so much. It wouldn't be anything to be embarrassed about if she was just a baby, after all. "I want to..."

"...be a baby" (turn to chapter 19, or 20 instead if Karin has already been wet twice)
"...stay here" (turn to chapter 18)
"...be a big girl" (turn to chapter 21)

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