16. Once Upon a Party

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When Karin saw Daddy standing in the hallway, waiting for her, she ran up and leapt into his arms with a huge grin on her face. She was still blushing a little when she remembered her childish antics from that morning, but it wasn't such a big deal now. She knew that this party was going to be wonderful now, and she wanted to thank him right away.

He staggered back a little, not quite falling as he took her weight.

"Careful, princess!" he laughed, "You're not as little as you used to be!"

"I can be littler if you want," she answered, and then giggled. She was sure he wouldn't understand even if she tried to explain her adventures and mishaps with her fairy friend this morning. There was no time to tell her story now anyway, because some of the other nobles and princes would surely be waiting in the main banquet hall, ready for Princess Karin to cut the cake.

There were so many things to do, so much excitement, and it quickly became a blur to her little mind. But every moment was wonderful. Daddy had made her favourite cake, a white chocolate sponge with fluffy cream icing and whole raspberries hidden inside, as well as two other layers that were stacked up almost like a wedding cake with traffic-light frosting. Karin had three giant slices, which got a few smiles from the other guests, but nobody said anything. This was her special day, after all.

Nobody said anything about what she was wearing either. If they noticed at all, then they must have figured it was her business, and she'd tell Daddy the story of the day when they were alone later. They might have noticed her boundless energy, even more excitable than usual, but they could just as easily have put that down to her joy at finally reaching such an important age. When it was time to open her presents, the guests all went through to the throne room, where boxes wrapped in red paper with blue ribbons covered every possible surface. She ran back and forth, not sure which to open first, and found that she had to stand on a chair even to reach some of them. Nobody objected, though there were a few giggles from the crowd. Princess Karin didn't mind, she was happy to know that her special day could bring smiles to her future subjects, as well as herself.

The presents were a huge variety. There was a fox plushie almost as large as she was, which she promptly christened Pulsifer after a character in her favourite storybook. There was a riding crop, which had her grinning so widely. Because even before the friend explained, she knew it was certainly a sign that she was going to get a pony of her own later in the year. And there was a strange present that she turned over and over in her hands, having no idea what it was supposed to be.

"Don't worry, Princess," Daddy grinned at this one, "That's a special present for big girls. I'll explain what it's for later, and then everybody in the whole kingdom will know that you really are a big girl."

There were more little presents; ornaments and chocolates and scented candles. Her favourite of those was one which really did smell like freshly baked gingerbread. Once she had all her presents were opened, there was a truly wonderful birthday dinner, and there was even more cake.

Princess Karin made her first royal pronouncement, that everybody was required to join in playing pin the tail on the donkey, and charades, and pass the parcel. She didn't win many games, but that didn't matter. She got plenty of presents already, and she had a lot of fun playing the games.

And then as the evening drew on, the guests slowly drifted away, going back to their own kingdoms two at a time. By the end of the day, she was alone with her Daddy. He held her close, and told her how much he loved her, and how much he hoped that she'd had a good day. Then she responded that she had, and went on to tell him about all the things she'd got up to with her coming of age fairy, Birthday. She twisted the story a little, but she didn't think he knew. She didn't want Birthday to get into trouble for making her get so much younger, after she'd had so much fun today.

"Oh!" she gasped, as she realised there was still something she'd forgotten to do.

"What's wrong, Princess?" Daddy carried on brushing her hair, "You know that I love you, and I'm just happy that you enjoyed today."

"Yes, but... I forgot to make my coming-of-age wish! And now Birthday isn't here, I think I was supposed to do all my wishing before the party!"

"Oh, don't worry about that," he grinned, "I can ask a favour from the king of the fairies, and get your Birthday back. But I'm the king anyway, so I can grant an awful lot of wishes on my own. So why don't you tell me your wish, your deepest desire, and I'll do the best I can to make it happen. Would that suit you?"

"Oh, thank you daddy!" she grinned, and wrapped her arms around his big, strong chest so tightly that he found himself a little short of breath. "I wish... I wish that we can keep on having days like this, and even if I grow up I'll keep on having fun. I just wish for a lot more days as awesome as this one."

"Even running through the woods and getting your pretty dress all dirty?" he asked, but she knew he was more amused than angry.

"Yep! And definitely cuddling up with you like this, every day forever and ever."

If Karin is already wearing a diaper, turn to chapter 17

Otherwise, continue with chapter 27

Sorry that there's no choice for you to make here... but you should still go to the chapter titled "Interactive Story / Vote here for next chapter" and let me know that you want to continue from this branch. And thanks to honeycoatedd for requesting this one!

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