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The swirling, nebulous text faded away and a picture slid on from the side of the screen. It was clearly Karin, drawn in an anime style by an artist who knew how to represent just how attractive she was. It left no doubt that her small stature, wild hair, and almond eyes combined to create a stunningly beautiful figure. She knew right away that this present had been programmed from scratch just for her; if there had been any doubt in her mind before. The caption at the top of the screen said 'magic', and the picture beneath split into two. Karin dressed as a wizard, with a flowing but somehow revealing robe and a pointed hat, stared in rivalry at Karin with a tiny dress of pink gossamer and glittering fairy wings. Her eyes darted right as the two versions separated, and her second choice quickly vanished from the screen. That was one choice I hadn't been able to guess which she would go for, so I had given my full attention to both scripts.

The next question was in the same style. At the top of the screen was a caption, 'Humiliation', and below it the fairy Karin divided into two different images. One, however, had her fairy dress trimmed down to the absolute minimum required by decency, flesh on show in a display you wouldn't normally associate with a fairy. The other seemed almost like her natural self, but maybe more innocent and childlike. A naïve young fairy, sitting on the ground amid a scattering of broken plates. Both options this time were blushing heavily, and it didn't take much thought to work out what the game was asking. She must have chosen humiliation from the first menu, and now the game wanted to know if she would rather have the main character in her story humiliated as a slut, or as a klutz.

She blushed for a second as she thought of all the things that could happen, with either option. She wasn't sure if the game was going to end up humiliating the character on screen, who looked so much like her, or if the magic would extend outside the game somehow to embarrass her for real. But either way, the thought of the possible shame made her blush as vividly as either of the fairy princesses on the screen. Then the slut fairy vanished, and the klutz shifted to the centre of the screen. That was a surprise to her, and to me as well when the app notified me of her choice. Karin loved being made to act like a slut, showing off her body or casually flirting in ways she'd never have the nerve for if she could choose. She'd told me many times over the last six months that it was one of her favourite things about being in a relationship with a master hypnotist.

Today, it seemed, she wanted to try something a little different. The image on screen faded again, broken crockery vanishing and the fairy's clothes becoming less rumpled as she got to her feet. Then there was a wand in her hand, and she smiled the smile of the truly oblivious.

"Hello!" the fairy spoke, and her voice came through Karin's bluetooth earpiece as well as subtitles on the screen. Karin was smart enough to recognise her own voice put through a few digital filters, but didn't think to ask how we'd got the original recordings without her remembering. "My name's Birthday, and my job is granting people's wishes when they really deserve it! Today I'm going to tell you a story about when I gave a princess a very special wish, but it didn't quite go like I hoped. Oh, I know!" A light bulb popped up above the fairy's head, and Karin couldn't help giggling at the slightly cheesy theatrics. She couldn't wait to see how this was going to go, and automatically found herself looking around to make sure she was alone.

She noticed two things then. First, that the game on this mysterious phone seemed to pause when she looked away. This confirmed her guess that it was watching her eye movements, a new control method that our friend Donald had been talking about for some time. He was hoping this was the innovation in user interface design that would make him a fortune, and from how naturally it had read her preferences so far, Karin had to admit that maybe he was on to something. The second thing she noticed was the large clock on St Bart's church tower at the end of the avenue. She was a little more than an hour early for her first lecture, presumably having set her alarm for the wrong time in her excitement the night before. That meant she could afford to take a walk around the park, the site of the old Freeman's Quarry.

"Why don't we act it out?" the fairy continued as soon as Karin looked back at the screen, "I'll play the fairy, Birthday, and you can play Princess Karin! Have you got time to have some fun?" Karin nodded, but this time the game wasn't waiting for an answer; it already knew she had time, and the question was just a formality. "This story happened on the Princess's most special birthday, her coming of age day. This is something that happens to Princesses when they get to a certain age, when they're ... umm ... how old is it?"

A selection of ages appeared on the screen, numbers from 14 to 21 in the same style as the options from the first menu. Karin figured that this story would be most interesting if the character had just enough youthful naïvete, but was old enough to be corrupted by whatever kind of sexy shenanigans I had envisioned. Her eyes wavered back and forth between the «16» and «18» bubbles, as she wondered which would be most fun. '18' flashed briefly as the options vanished.

"Yes, that's right," Birthday carried on, "She was young and sweet and innocent, but not quite as young as me. She was," and she paused dramatically for a moment, fiddling with her wand as if it was some kind of remote control and she needed to adjust the settings. Then she pointed it directly out of the screen at Karin, and the screen flashed up with a box full of mystic runes that she didn't know how to read. Or maybe, just maybe, text in a style that indicated it was meant to go straight to her subconscious mind, and she wasn't allowed to realise what it said.

"Oh!" the fairy yelped in surprise, "Sorry! I think I got that wrong, I didn't mean to..." but Karin's attention was fully focused on her own body. Her casual skirt was growing, rippling out as it developed multiple layers, and row after row of lace and frills. Her choker quickly became an ornate necklace, her shirt an ornate blouse with even more lace than the skirt, if that was possible. Everything became a matching shade of pastel pink, as well, and she felt her hair shift slightly as a tiara dropped out of the air.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew this was an illusion produced by a post-hypnotic suggestion, but part of her couldn't help wondering if she should be worried what any commoners might think if they saw her walking round the park dressed like this. She didn't realise why the fairy was so upset, though, until she noticed her hair growing out to reach half way down her back, which she hadn't felt in years, and also saw the trees around her looming larger as she became even smaller than she already was. Her breasts were shrinking too, and she realised that under her new outfit she was only wearing a training bra. She could feel her memories fading away as well, her first love and first kiss fading into the future as things she would one day look forward to, and her body filling up with barely controlled excitement at a future so full of possibilities.

"Umm... I think I got the spell wrong," the fairy stammered nervously, "I hope you don't mind! Anyway, that must be right, everyone knows that a Princess comes of age when she's thirteen, right?" Karin just nodded. Of course that was the normal age. And it was lucky for her, too, because today was her thirteenth birthday. It meant she would be able to enjoy hearing a story about Princess Karin's coming of age wish while she thought about what she was going to ask for herself.

"Well, fairy Birthday made little mistakes sometimes, she was only young, but she knew she was going to do well today. So she clicked her fingers and appeared in front of Princess Karin in a little poof of fairy dust!" As she narrated, the fairy threw a small balloon out of the cellphone's screen, which popped to shower glitter in a burst a few inches across. Under the cover of the explosion, Karin could just see the fairy fly out of the screen to hover in the air in front of her. It was a perfect special effect, to help the story feel just a little bit more real.

"Good morning, Princess! My name's Birthday, and I'm your very own special day fairy!" her voice got higher as she got into the role, and she fidgeted nervously. She was almost as excited as Princess Karin herself! "Would you like to come on a very special journey? Then just follow me!" She zipped off into the bushes, following a narrow trail that wound to one of the park's more secluded spots. Princess Karin had been looking forward to her first fairy for virtually her whole life, so she couldn't think of anything else to do but follow...

There have been several points where a different choice could be made; but adding any of them would probably take this books beyond Wattpad's 200-chapter limit. Therefore I've joined chapters 2 to 5 together as a single, long part.

To continue from here, go to chapter 6. There should be some actual choice next time, I think...

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