Zoren's POV:

I woke up still in my female's lap, she was sleeping again, her back against Bart. She looked peaceful and the others weren't awake yet so I carefully stood up and went to make food for us, I went to look for Marcus since he probably knows we're the rations are. I went to his room and found him there restocking his herbs the leopard queen was also there she was fixing a broken basket. I waited for them to notice me before entering the room.

Queen: Zoren?, What brings you here?

Zoren: I was looking for the meat storage, I need some to make food for Iris.

She jumped out of the skin she was on and excitedly asked.

Queen:  iris woke up?

Zoren: yes? But she took a nap with us so she is asleep again, should wake up anytime now.

Queen: good my baby is finally awake!!

I was confused did something happen when we weren't here?

Zoren: did something happen to her?

Queen: oh, right you don't know yet, first let's go get meat for all of us and make food, then we'll go to iris's room and after we eat Marcus can tell you what happened while I talk with my baby.

I nodded and followed them to get meat and to cook. After the food was done we went to Iris's room she was awake again and taking with the other wen we came in.

Third POV:

Zoren walked in followed by the queen and Marcus. After greeting each other and the queen running to Iris and checking every inch of her body like she was some naughty cub, they finally sat down to eat. The males sat at a distance to give the females some space. When they finished eating Zoren asked again the question.

Zoren: what happened to Iris while we weren't here?

Everyone looked at me except Marcus and Bart.

Marcus sighed took the fruits out and started explaining.

Marcus: while we males were in the meeting to assemble the colosal hunting party, a leopard male went to your den and gave iris this fruits to Iris in her mother's name.

Zoren and Winston nodded not seeing any problem with it .

Marcus: at simple sight this fruit looks like a pink fuss fruit, they are sweet fruits females normally enjoy.

They agreed having seen the fruit in passing or in another's females hands sometimes.

Marcus: but if you open a pink fuss fruit you will find a single big seed, if you ape one of these fruits you will find some small seeds.

Opens the fruit and shows them the small seeds

Marcus: this fruit is actually called matting fruit.

Winston and Zoren were confused why would the queen send something like this to Iris.

Zoren: why did the queen send her this kind of fruit.

Queen: actually, I didn't.

They looked behind to see the females making their way towards them, the queen sat beside Marcus and Iris sat on Bart's lap, him wrapping his arms around her protectively and hiding his face on the crook of her neck.

Seeing the obvious distressed reaction in Bart the Winston and Zoren got worried.

Marcus continued explaining

Marcus: as the name suggest the pink matting
Fruit can make a female go into a state similar to an estrous, but unlike a normal estrous it is said to be extremely painful for the female if she doesn't mate right away with a male, if the female survives the pain she wouldn't be able to have cubs in the future, fortunately Bart arrived in time, so she is safe.

The two boys were horrified, but grateful with Bart, yet what the Marcus said next made them mad.

Marcus: what's worse is that she could have been carrying cubs having in mind she took Winston on her supposed estrous.

They were confused, why would that be bad?

Before they could even ask the question Marcus said with a serious face.

Marcus: The pink matting fruit is poisonous to females who are carrying cubs, she wouldn't have felt any pain for three days, but after that her insides would start rotting, it would be extremely painful and we wouldn't be able to save her, whoever did this was aiming to kill her.

All faces darkened with rage just who would have done something this horrible to a female!!!.

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