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Third POV:

After long hours of battle, most ferals where eliminated some where bound for questioning and some fled the city. As the city was now safe the castles opened for the beast men to reunite with their females. Every mated male ran through their respective castles trying to find their females, Zoren and Winston weren't the exception, they searched for iris but did not find her. Her scent was too light for them to catch a trail, it was as if she hadn't been there at all for a long time. They started going frantic until they saw Bart making their way towards them.

Zoren and Winston: where is Iris?

Bart hesitated for a moment and then nodded

Bart: follow me

Winston POV:

Bart took us to a room, in a very secluded place of the castle. We could now smell Iris but it was faint. He stopped at a room with a thick curtain and said.

Bart: please don't panic

That was odd, why would we panic?

I nodded and went in followed by Zoren, and lastly Bart. As soon as I went in I spotted Iris in a makeshift fur bed soundly asleep, the leopard queen at her side holding her hand.

Hearing us come in she turned towards us, and smiled

Queen: thank you for coming back so quickly, if you hadn't who knows what would have happened.

Zoren: no if you hadn't been prepared we wouldn't have arrived on time.

After Zoren said that I asked

Winston: true, but how did you know the ferals were going to attack?

She got a serious look in her eyes

Queen: they attacked your den first, thankfully there was no one there.

I felt my heart sink at the great danger my female might have been in, I looked at Bart wanting further explanation.

Bart: their target was the leopard clan, we have the most females, and our den is considerably the most easy to target as it is closest to the forest, they had been watching us for some time, they had hidden their presence somehow I couldn't feel them, but after the fruit incident Iris was feeling unsettled so we came to the castle.

I nodded while deep in thoughts, how could they have hidden their scent or presence?

I was brought out of my thoughts by Zoren's question

Zoren: fruit incident? What happened?

Iris POV:


That's all there is all around me. I've been here for quiete a while, and there is nothing to do I can't even see my body, yet somehow I can still move. At first I tried to find an exit but no matter how far I walk I never seem to get anywhere so I sat down trying to find a reason for me being here nothing came to mind.

But something I was pretty sure about is I must be unconscious.

I sat in the darkness a while longer I don't know how much time I have been here Bart must be worried, are the others okay?, did the city get attacked? are mother and the other females alright?

I discovered I can meditate in here. It's weird to explain, I just seat or lay around and relax until I feel this energy? It's all around it kinda feels like being submerged in water, but instead of feeling distressed it's calming and reassuring like a protective cocoon of sorts. If you continue meditation you will start feeling the same kind of energy inside your body although it is much weaker than the one around me, I can feel it sluggishly move all around my body and concentrate in one point in my torso. Then it just clicked, is that a freaking core?!?!. Although weak it was slowly increasin its power the more i meditate, the more it increases. What the actual f**k wasn't this book a romance harem world?!, why the hell can i use murim technics!?!?

They never mentioned nothing about meditation, the way to level up their beast rank was trough hard exercice, battle and hunting... That sounds like soul warrior kind of training doesn't it?😑

Omg why the hell didn't i realise this before?! they even have breack troughs!!!!

Am i dumb or what?!?!

This could have made everything so much easier from the begining!!!!.

After all that i went back to meditating but this time i got in to a proper lotus position and circulating my inner energy. Everytime i completed a cycle it moved faster. And then i tried to suck the outher energy inside my body and like a low power vacuum cleaner i started dragging it in and adding it to my inner flow. The more energy i gatter from outside the slower the flow becomes as it gets more condensed.

After a pretty long time i can finally feel it, i am about to breack trough!

Third POV:

Bart was nervous, he didn't know how to tell them what would have happened to Iris if he hadn't mated with her in time, he feared their reaction but knew they should know as they were her spouses too. But as he finally gathered enough courage they felt an enourmous presure coming from Iris.

The Queen being the closest to Iris inmediately fell unconcious on the floor, she couldn't stand it.

Beast presure?!

It was stronger than his!!


it was stronger than Winston's!!!!

Had it been menasing presure it would have knocked him out for sure!!!

Winston was also surprised this kind of presure was stronger than his, but how?! four stripe beast presure was the strongest there is no such thing as a fifth mark or so he had been told.

After a couple seconds the presure desapeared and everything fell silent until she stirred. All three of them went to her side.

All: Iris!!, wake up!

She stired again and then slowly opened her eyes. At first everything was blurry to her and it took her some time to actually see but when she finally she was ecstatic.

Iris: hi boys

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