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Third POV:

Winston's group arrived at the city, finding it already taken over by ferals. Their primary objective was to secure the safety of the females within the city and eliminate the feral threat. With the ferals scattered throughout the city, Winston devised a tactical approach to avoid direct confrontation and minimize risks.

Winston: "Remember, stay quiet, and stay hidden," he whispered to his group. They separated into teams of four, each assigned to a specific section of the city's borders.

They moved stealthily through the shadows, their eyes scanning for ferals lurking in the alleys and near the castle entrances. Their approach was swift and precise.

Zoren: "Group on my mark," Zoren signaled with a hand gesture.

As they closed in on the ape clan's territory, they encountered fewer ferals, possibly due to the deal the ape king had made. The ape clan remained relatively untouched, and the females were secure. The hunters ensured nothing went missing and no one was harmed, silently moving on to the next castle.

However, the situation became more precarious as they reached the wolf clan's domain. Here, the ferals had attempted to breach the castle's defenses, causing chaos and noise. The clash between ferals and hunters escalated into a full-blown battle.

Winston: "Stay focused! Protect the females," Winston shouted, rallying his group.

The battle with the ferals in the wolf clan's territory grew intense. The hunters fought fiercely, using their beast powers and teamwork to overcome the enemy. The city echoed with the clashing of claws and roars, but the hunters' primary goal was to secure the safety of the females.

Zoren:"Push them back! We can't let them near the females," Zoren's voice carried through the chaos.

The hunters slowly gained the upper hand, forcing the ferals to retreat. They cleared the area, ensuring the wolf clan's females were unharmed and the castle secure.

With the wolf clan's territory under control, the hunters regrouped, their determined expressions reflecting their unwavering commitment to protecting their females. The battle was far from over, but they would face the remaining ferals with unwavering resolve.

Winston: "We press on. Secure the rest of the city. Our females depend on us."

The hunters continued their stealthy yet relentless advance, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead as they fought to reclaim the city from the feral threat.

Winston's group reached the tiger clan's castle, maintaining their stealth and vigilance. What they found there was disheartening. The castle was empty and in a state of complete disarray. Rosa, ignoring the warning from the leopards, had not taken refuge, and her male, the only one set to protect her, lay lifeless on the floor. She was nowhere to be found, and it was clear that she hadn't heeded the advice to seek safety.

Reluctantly, they left the tiger clan's castle, their attention focused on their ultimate goal: securing the leopard clan's territory.

As they approached the leopard clan's castle, a grim sight greeted them. It was the largest group of ferals they had encountered thus far, relentlessly trying to breach the castle's defenses. The doors and fortifications were holding for the moment, but it was evident that they wouldn't withstand the assault much longer.

Without hesitation, the group decided to split once again. This time, they divided into groups of twelve, with eight members forming the main force of each team, while the remaining four comprised the ninja squad. The main force would engage the ferals head-on, while the ninja squad would work from the shadows, providing cover and support from behind.

Bart POV:

Their time had come, and they were under attack. The uncertainty of the ferals' ranks weighed heavily on their minds. If high-ranking ferals were among them, the castle's defenses would eventually crumble, and they would be overrun. The odds were stacked against them, and they felt the severity of their situation.

Bart's first priority was Iris's safety. Although she was still unconscious, he knew he had to move her to the underground safe room. Iris's mother went with her as he gently closed the door behind them. He found solace in the belief that they would be safe within that fortified chamber. It was a necessary precaution, given the gravity of the situation.

Now, with Iris and her mother secured in the safe room, Bart returned to the battlefield, ready to face the impending assault. The fate of the city and its inhabitants hung in the balance as they braced themselves for the coming battle, knowing that their strength and determination were all they had to rely on.

Third POV:

As the hours passed, the defenders of the castle held on with unwavering determination, their strength waning but their resolve unbroken. Bart, having placed Iris and her mother in the safe room, rushed back to the walls where they had secured large logs against the doors. It was a desperate attempt to buy more time, to delay the inevitable for just a bit longer.

Exhausted and weary, they continued to stand their ground, their hearts heavy with the uncertainty of the battle's outcome. With each passing moment, the logs showed signs of splintering, and the ferals pressed harder against the castle's defenses.

But then, just when it seemed that all hope might be lost, a powerful roar echoed through the air. It was a roar that Bart recognized all too well, a sound that sent a surge of hope coursing through his veins. The hunting party had returned!

The feral attackers momentarily faltered, thrown off balance by the sudden turn of events. The defenders of the castle, reinvigorated by the prospect of reinforcements, fought back with renewed determination. The battle was far from over, but the arrival of Winston, Zoren, and the hunting party had tipped the scales in their favor.

Bart's heart swelled with gratitude and relief as he joined the others in pushing back the ferals. With their combined strength and unwavering resolve, they fought to protect their city, their clan, and the females they held dear. Victory was no longer a distant hope but a tangible possibility, and they would give their all to achieve it.

Here you go people, battle scenes are mi heart go out to all those who write them 😅 Oh, and my I ad it's 2:00 in the morning?🥲🥲

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