Things happen

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Winston Pov:

We delivered on who should stay with Iris during the hunt and decided it should be Bart, he is an all rounder and I'm sure he will protect her well i needed be, so we told him about the secure scape routs and equipment in case of emergency. He nodded and ran back to the den.

After everything was desided we got separated into groups. Shuu and i both fell on the wolf team, while Zoren fell on the sky team.

Zoren POV:

The sky team was commanded to scout the forest and constantly report the groups movements to the other three teams. The group moved a lot in a kind of sig sag way for two days before we could do any significant advance on them, this got us increasingly nervous. The leaders desided it would be best to monitor them from afar for about a day to see if they would stay put long enough  to install the traps and get into our respective positions.

Shuu Pov:

I have been to a colossal hunt before but never at this scale. Before there were only a couple colossal a male around 5 female and like 6 cubs. This group was abnormally big and there were to close to the city almost like, they where lead here by someone. Thus we continued following them. Then on the third day we found something disturbing there in a side of the lake was a pretty ugly decomposing corpse. We thought this person must be the one who led them towards the city but he didn't do it alone we found another 3 corpses 2 further in the forest, and another one besides the river, the las one seemingly died by another beast men's hand.

Winston Pov:

We believe at least one of the corpses we found belongs to someone from the city since they where leading the colossal group too perfectly towards the city especially towards the leopard tribe. Good thing they did not make it or we would have lost her forever.

i have an idea of who orchestrated this, only he has the power to influence someone to do something this dangerous, but this also means he has connections with the ferals. Now i am aware of the danger we are in, i need to get Iris out of here as soon as possible, but making a move in the near future is far to reckless, i better talk to Iris about this as soon as I come back.

But somehow Im feeling uneasy

Iris pov:

It was Bart he stood there at the entrance of the cave unmoving his head turned downward. I tried to stand and go to him but my body was too weak i could barely see straight much less stand up or walk, thus i fell to the floor like a sack of sand face up head tilted to the side. Having no strength to lift myself up i could only watch as he slowly aproached me and as he finally made his way in front of me i saw what i would never dream about seeing on the face of one of my future mates.

There he was grinning evilly with arrogant eyes.

Bart: finally I'll get ride of you today

My face must have contorted in confusion and fear because he laughed loudly.

Bart: you really thought i would just accept, a female like you over the tiger princess, you must be crazy.

He sneered and continued

Bart: dumb, stupid female, it was all a plan to get ride of you, you see by having that pretty face of yours you have committed a crime towards my beloved, as her future male i can't tolerate that now can I? 

Fear and horror made their way into my heart as i saw his skin crawling expresión while holding one of the remaining peaches.

Bart: these fruits are really sweet aren't they?

My head was becoming dizzier with every word he said i could barely make sense of his words by now.

Third pov:

Bart: as much as they are sweet they are poisonous, but unlike most poisons this one will only give you an extremely high fever. You won't feel any pain, instead you will feel as time slowly goes by, feeling how your life lives your body bit by bit.

Bart: but i guess you already figured that since it won't be long before your disgusting soul lives this land, well i have to go, i don't want to be near when you die, it would be disgusting to my beloved to smell that king of stench on my body.

Bart calmly left with a triunphant smile on his face while Iris's life slowly drained away.

Well guys this i the end, see you on my next story!!!!! ,😚😘

*Sound of enraged readers with axes, chainsaws, guns, canons, knives, swords and all kinds of weapons getting ready to find this hartless writer.*

Wait, wait you guys that's not what actually happened.😅

I would never kill my main characters or their children so don't worry🤗

Sorry for the heart attack, love you all❤️

Here is what actually happened 😘

Bart pov:
I have lived at Iris's den for 7 days now and even thought i have only talked to her a total of 3 times i know for sure all the rumors about her are just that, rumors. From the way she speaks, moves, acts, to the way she openly shows affection to all of us, to how she takes her time to get to know us and how she cares for us everything is different. She is easy going, but crafty, has many ideas and new methods to do things, she is smart,sweet and fun.

She is everything i never knew i wanted, but now I need this small details that never mattered to me. I had made my mind up to never hope for what i can't have, to be satisfied, even if life is hard i should be grateful I'm alive, and even if i die i should be grateful i came this far.

But now i don't want to be satisfied, i want to live to protect and love her. I refuse to die and let her forget me, i'll become strong, strong enough to stay by her side forever.

I'm glad the others believe in me so much as to leave me in charge of her well being.

Iris Pov:

It was Bart, he was panting with his eyes wide open, his pupils dilated, looking like his sanity was hanging from a thin thread.

Iris: hot... Please.... help

My voice came out hoarse and choppy but i couldn't care less.

A little alarmed by my words he came closer to me holding my arms and asked with difficulty, his voice no better than my own.

Bart: What happened...... to you

The moment he touched my skin was like something clicked in me and at the same time a moan scaped my mouth.

Iris: the fruits..... Heat..... *hhngg*..... Please help me *HRNNNNGGGGGggg*

His skin felt so good against mine i couldn't help it and with a sudden burst of energy i pounced on him on throwing us both to the floor.

Iris: i need you Bart

I said freeing my pheromones( a trick she had learned when she was small, it works whit about Any emotion and is a form of beast pressure, this one in particular drives anyone who smells it mad with lust for a period of time)

A low growl scaped his mouth and everything else is a fuzzy blur.

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