let's get started!!!

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Iris PoV:
I woke up early the next morning, that had been the best sleep I've had in quiet a while. I stretched myself and looked around to find my mate still asleep behind me, he seemed so peaceful I couldn't bare to wake him up so I stayed there engraving his tiger shape in my mind. He was really big, powerful and looked stoic, you would think his hair is hard but it's actually so soft you could never get tired of it. A couple moments later he opened his eyes, I gave him a smile and said.

Iris: well hello there~

Then I leaned in, gave him a kiss on his nose and said still smiling.

Iris: Good morning~

He looked iced to the spot, so I got up and started my morning routine went to the water jug I had to the side of my room and opened it to find it had just enough water to wash my face and that's ok since males normally don't have the habit of washing their faces in the morning, oh well there is plenty of time to teach him. After washing I went to my clothes pile and chose my simple tube top and skirt, then I turned around and seeing my dear mate still frozen I smiled and asked him.

Iris: Winston, love, can you unfreeze for me we have lots of things to do today.

And as if cold water was poured on his head he got of the bed, transformed to his hot beast man self and put his skirt on ( I didn't t see anything ok!!!*whistle*)

I chuckle and got changed behind the folding screen I have. After that we got straight to work, Winston helped me getting the gifts for my parents out while I packed my clothes, jewelery, and crafting materials into my two biggest baskets, then I got my personal stash of herbs, salt, oil and my carved bowls into a smaller basket. When I was done packing I stud up and was about to carry them out when Winston stoped me.

Winston: don't lift that, it's heavy, let me do it for you.

Iris: no Winston there is to many things for you to carry all by your self, I'm stronger than other females so don't worry to much.

Before he could refute I lifted one of the big baskets with ease, and there he was stunned yet again, but that did not last long since he picked up the remaining two boxes and got them out off the room before he went back in for the folding screen and water jug leaving the room completely empty. *Sigh* I guess he also has a stubborn side to him.

Iris: Ok let's go give the precents to mother and her mates, before we take my things to our new den, can you carry the pottery to the main hall?

Winston: yes

Then he picked up the huge skin I had placed the pottery in and I picked the murals before heading to my parents main hall. There was no one there so I told Winston to put them on the corner where I also put the murals and then I took his hand gidding him towards the garden where my family normally ate. As soon as my mother saw me she called me over and invited us for breakfast but my fathers had another idea since they took Winston away and made him cook for me while also teaching him what I liked and disliked, my poor baby he can't take a break.

I chatted with mother for a while, ate, gave them their gifts, and bid them goodbye promising to visit often. Then we went to get my stuff, even thought Winston wanted to carry everything by himself I didn't let him, telling him that our den ain't that far from the leopard castle and after giving him my no bullshit glare, he reluctantly accepted and we made our way there.

After arriving we left the things near the entrance with the other things I had been bringing the past couple of days, then I turned towards Winston and told him.

Iris: ok, love you can go get your things, I'll stay here cleaning and organizing a little.

Winston frowned at this and said

Winston: but you would be alone, what if something happens to you while I'm not here?

I knew what he was worried about so I said

Iris: don't worry, this den is so close to my father's castle no one would dare come close.

He reluctantly agreed, and I gave him a kiss on the cheek before he transformed and took of so fast he left a dust cloud where he was standing before, well all this won't organise itself. First I took the makeshift broom I had left here before, swept the floor and took some spider webs of the walls and started accommodating my stuff, then I took the bamboo I had left here and started weavind six mat's for the bottom of the bed. When i was almost finished weaving the third mat Winston came back with a lot of meat and a bear sking bag that had barely anything on it. I left what i was doing and went to greet him with a kiss.

Iris: welcome back love

I said with a warm smile on my face, and i saw how his stoic face relaxed and smiled back.

Winston: yes, im back

Then i told him to put his things on top of the basket that had my clothes on it and i went back to weaving. Since it was getting late Winston deside to set the fire and cook for lunch, so he went out. After i finished weaving i sorted all my furs from smallest to biggest and organized them all so the smallest furrs where at the bottom of the bed and the biggest flufiest furrs ended on top of it, covered everything with the big cover i had made out of my biggest furr and plased the pillows on top. Then I moved the baskets against the wall leaving a huge space surrounding the bed and places the now filled water jug near the door. Now that thats settled i should think on how to get glow pearls or crystals to add some illumination to the cave, but well that can wait after all this is going to be a temporal recidence. Just then Winston came in with a bowl full of roasted meat which he gave me and after i insisted he went back out to get his share, i swear this big stubborn kitten of a husband. I sat on the bed and waited for him to come. He came back soon after and started eating, it was a quiet comfortable lunch, even tougth we didn't talk since he is a man of few words.

When we finished Winston washed the dishes with the water on our jug, while i got the two curtains i had prepared. After he was finished i asked him to help me hang up the curtains at the doors.

*Now i know whats the question on your mind, how is the jug full of water again if you didn't carry it from a river? Well the reasons why i choose this den aside from protection, are that it has an out house my father build for me, and most importantly is that it has an indoor spring!!!!, i dont have to be concerned about privacy while batting!!!...........mhmm now that i think about it.......*

A mischievous grin apeared on my face, you see the den is formed by two big semy-sphere caves separated by a small corridor in the middle, Winston and i have have only worked on the first room while the spring is on the second one, so he doesn't know about it yet. Project honey moon has just started.😈

Reincarnated In The Beast Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें