special abilities

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😊Play the song when i tell you.😊
*Has mature language with some sexual references at the beggining*

Iris Pov:

If you all tougth that was all........... You were so wrong. He pounded me hard onto the sheets the remaining of the afternoon skipping diner, through the nigth, and gobled me up all the way till sunrise when i fell asleep sprawled on the bed, he is a tiger alright.

I woke up at noon snuggled in my mates big muscular arms, my ear rigth on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat which told me he was awake, but i didn't want to get up so i stayed put. What i didn't realize is that all this time i had been purring, to which Winston chuckled, and started stroking my head making me open my eyes sluggishly looking at him, i smiled and told him.

Iris: ~good morning handsome~.

That came out slurred, as if i was drunk but i couldn't care less, and snuggled back to his chest. Until my tummy growled alerting my mate about my hunger, to which he sadly listened to, giving me a kiss and leaving me alone on the bed. At this moment i decided to look for his mark on my body and i saw it where i always knew it would be, rigth over my heart, the place he deserves.
Deciding to go for a little soak before lunch, i sat up to fast, which my body did not approve and reminded me of my crazy matting night. Now i was aware of the soreness in my lower areas and wimpered quietly, can't complain about it, i got myself on this, and in all honesty, i would totally do it again.
I put my woman pants on and walked to the spring ignoring the stinging sensation between my legs. I pulled mi hair into a messy bun, tied it up with one of my leather strings, and as soon as i got to the waters edge, i lowered myself in the shallow water where it barely covered my breath, i breathed a sigh and started singing a song from my past life in a low voice, even thought in this life my family always said i had a beautiful voice, the habits from my past life still remain.

😊now play the song😊

(Yep in my past life i was latina, but due to financial problems my family migrated to the U.S searching for a better future, but you already know it didn't end well for me.)

When i finished my song

Winston: you have a beautiful voice.

Winston had heard my song, which made me a bit shy, but i smiled at him, he is my mate i don't intend to hide things from him and my future husbands, so i decided to tell him everything about me tonight after eating since i had some tasks for him this afternoon.
With his help i got out of the spring, i felt much better after a good soak and could walk normally, so i ate with Winston on the bed since we didn't have any other furniture which I'll change after the next hunt, it was summer now, so we didn't have to stock things which is good i could consentrate in building our home for the next two years. All the furniture will be simple just cushioned furr mats so it will be easier to carry with us when we leave, but for now i really want a hammock. So when we were done eating luch i asked winston to get me long strong bines for me while i took my crafting tools out, and got to work. I used my yarn and long strips of leather to knit a strong recistent fabric that would hold me and Winston. When Winston came back and i taugth him how to make sturdy ropes out of them, which he caugth rather quickly, and thus we spent the afternoon building the hammock. By dinner time we where done and decided to hang it on the trees that grew couple feets in front of our den, then we tested it and it was a success it could even stand us jumping on it. To celebrate i decided to cook today, Winston strongly opposed but i got away with it, with the promise he could help. Our fire had a stone border so i told him to make a flat stone in rectangular shape that could go from side to side of our fire pit

Fire pit:

Fire pit:

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