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Iris pov:

I woke up the next morning alone and confused, what the hell did I do yesterday that my body hurts this much, man 🥲. I sat up slowly as to not hurt myself. I finally sat completely up and stretched my arms until y heard that satisfying pop, man does that feel good.

And then i felt a cold breeze, i looked down, to find i was naked.

Iris: eh, when did i take my furs of ?

I started searching for them with my eyes but i didn't find them, i even looked behind me, when something on my shoulder called my attention to my upper left arm and sitting there was a howling dark blue wolf.

Now all the memories came back to me like a lightning strike. This morning,......... lunch, ...........waking up, ............that weird leopard guy, ...........the fruits,............. feeling hot,............ Bart ..............omg 😳.

Oh god this ain't good, what if he hates me for taking away his choice?

I stood up with some difficulty and dressed myself with a simple one piece thin fur dress. After i dressed i intended to go look for him but barely made it to the side of the bed when he came inside his hears and tail where both down as if ashamed, and when he met my eyes he quickly turned his head downward, they where a little puffy and red. He made his way to me and handed me a steaming hot bowl of shredded roasted meat, after which he quickly knelt down and i could hear his tiny sobs

Iris: Bart Why-

He didn't even let me finish as he completely lowered himself to the ground  palms open on the floor sobbing quietly ands started apologising profusely leaving me stunned for some minutes.

Bart: I'm sorry, i shouldn't have done that, i won't ask you to give me your affection, nor will I ask for cubs, i will live out of your sight, but please don't abandon me!

That morning third pov:

Bart's eyes opened very early, even before the sun came out. Finding himself in human form, naked and on top of soft furs, he was kind of confused. He looked around as if searching for answers, until his eyes meet Iris's sleeping figured. She was sleeping peacefully on her side, her hair sprawled all over, her eyes were delicately closed and her lips slightly puckered, she looked perfect. He continued looking at her realizing she was also very naked, and upon closer inspection he found hickeys all over her chest, he was mesmerized when he found the howling wolf on her shoulder. He was happy for a split second, before realization hit him. He shouldn't have done that, she wasn't feeling well, he couldn't control his desire and mated her in that state. He felt like trash, he had behaved like a feral.

Now he didn't have the right to ask anything of her, and will probably be thrown out as soon as she wakes up. He feared the first thing he would see in her eyes when she wakes up would be disappointment, betrayal, pain but most of all refection.

His tears had been rolling down his face for some time and the sun was already illuminating the early morning sky. He stood up, and walked like a soulless carcase towards the fire pit, his tears never stoped.

Iris PoV:

By the end of the sentence he was chocking and stumbling over his words, which made me snap out of it. I was pretty familiar with that kind of sentence, it was similar to what Winston said to Bai after mating in the original. My heart ached and i knew i wasn't showing as much love as i thought i was. Setting my food aside and ignoring my body's aching i slide of the bed and kneel in front of him then reached out to help him lift his upper body. The moment i laid my hand on his shoulders i could fell every single silent cry and muffled sob that raked his body and seeing his tear stained face, twisted my heart painfully. As soon as he was far enough from the floor i pulled him towards my chest and hugged him tight, which tensed him so i freed calming pheromones so that he would relax.

Iris: it wasn't your fault Bart, you didn't force me, i enjoyed every single minute of it, also it was my fault you reacted the way you did, if someone has to apologize that would be me as i took your choice over who would be your mate away from you.

He immediately jumped up and refuted

Bart: i had chosen you as my mate so you didn't take anything away

I smiled and gave him a kiss on his cheek  making him blush lightly, and like everytime I am going through an emotive moment my belly growled making us both laugh, he helped me up and i guided him to the bed where i made him sit against the wall, i picked up the bowl of food and sat on his lap, i ate and feed him while making small talk.

Then as if a light bull had lit up in his head he asked.

  Bart: how was it your fault i acted the way I did yesterday.

Iris: you see i have many weird abilities, one of them is controlling my pheromones, it is basically like beast pressure but it works with all emotions happiness for example.

As i said that i freed some of may pheromones and hear as his heart speed up and his tail wagged excitedly.

Bart: amazing!!!, What other abilities do you have?

Iris: let's see, i can understand anyone even if he is in beast form, I'm faster, stronger and more agile than the average female and a three marked beast, my beast pressure is not inferior to Winston's in any way, i also have all my beast traits except the obvious ones, my eyes do slit when I'm angry and i can grow my nails into powerful claws, of course I can also make all the sounds distinctive to leopard's.

He was deep in thought for a while and then frowned.

Bart: that is amazing Iris, but if you are this strong, how come you where so sick yesterday.

This made me thing about yesterday's events and realized something.

Iris: actually i started feeling hot all of a sudden after i ate some of the fruits my mother sent over yesterday.

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