𝐆𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲

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I'm alive

Annnnd I'm already planning the next history,

It shall be in a universe where He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named emerged victorious (we'll have flashback chapters to elucidate the past and the future).

Downside? I've drawn inspiration from Manacled, so brace yourselves to exclaim when the Legilimency unfolds.


The dawn of the Quidditch tryouts unveiled a splendid setting, with the clear and bright sky, tinged with the promise of challenges and triumphs. A murmur of anticipation and nervousness hung in the air, enveloping everyone.

Everyone, including Astria.

"With the number of people who signed up, the tryouts might take the entire morning," she said during breakfast. She felt slightly nervous about facing her first task as the Slytherin captain and didn't want to make poor choices. "I don't know why the team suddenly became so popular."

"Oh, come on, dear," Pansy retorted impatiently while biting into an apple. "It's not Quidditch that became popular; it's you! You've never been this popular, and, to be honest..." She paused for a top-to-bottom look. "You've never been more desirable than you are now."

With the end of her sentence, Daphne and Draco began to choke violently on their food. Daphne, with flushed cheeks, blurted out, "I didn't know you liked girls."

Pansy, carefree, responded with a wink, "I like both."

As Astria had predicted, the tryouts occupied most of the morning. Half of the Slytherin students seemed to have shown up, from first-years nervously clutching a selection of shoddy brooms to the seventh-years who, towering above the rest, displayed a superior calmness.

This last group included a robust blond-haired boy whom Astria immediately recognized as Vaisey, one of last year's Chasers.

"Chaser, right?" Astria inquired, noting the lad's corpulence and considering that he might be too slow to cross the field at high speed, as a Chaser should.

She made a note of this at the top corner of his profile to be cautious.

"In fact, I want to try out for the position of Keeper," Vaisey said confidently. "It's good to try new things, you know?"

"Right," Astria replied, her tone deliberate. "Well, if you could wait over there..." She pointed to the side of the field, near where Theo and Pansy were seated.

Astria chose to divide them into small groups and began with tests to assess who at least knew how to mount a broom.
It turned out to be a wise approach, as the first ten were all first-years, and it was evident that they were not familiar with flying. One of them put on a display worthy of Neville in his first year, crashing to the ground as ungracefully as a Snidget, and to make matters worse, breaking his wrist in the process.

After two hours, much complaining, and several fits of rage, including an accident involving a damaged Comet 260 and some broken bones, Astria decided to set up the best marksmen: Warrington, who returned to the team after an excellent trial, Blase, who also passed the test and went above and beyond, notably agile in dodging the bludgers. And Draco, who also stood out, outperforming all the candidates and scoring a remarkable seventeen goals.

Intentionally, Astria left the goalkeeper trials for the final stage, hoping for a smaller audience and less pressure on the participants. Unfortunately, the stadium became even more crowded than expected, with unselected candidates and late-arriving spectators after an extended breakfast.

HP • Legilimency   |   𝐍. 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘   Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu