𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚 𝐕𝐬 𝐈𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝

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Draco led the way, holding the bags firmly, while the three of them walked through the forest, following the trail illuminated by lanterns. The noise of thousands of people around them filled their ears, with shouts, laughter, and fragments of songs.

They walked through the forest for about twenty minutes, chatting animatedly, until they finally emerged on the other side and were met with the imposing shadow of a gigantic stadium. Although they could only see parts of the massive golden walls surrounding the field, it was evident that the stadium could easily accommodate the size of several cathedrals.

"This place has a capacity for a hundred thousand people," Narcissa informed, noticing the expression of astonishment on Astria's face. "And there are Anti-Muggle spells on every inch of it."

They headed for the nearest gate, which was already surrounded by a crowd of excited witches and wizards.

"Honour seats!" exclaimed the Ministry witch at the gate as she checked their tickets. "Honour box! Go straight up, Lady Black."

The stairs leading to the stadium were lined with extravagant purple carpets. They climbed alongside the crowd, which gradually dispersed through the doors on the right and left leading to the stands. Finally, they reached the top of the staircase, where a small box was set up, situated at the highest point of the stadium, between the two golden goalposts. About twenty golden and purple chairs were arranged in two rows, with Astria taking the first row, Narcissa in the central seat between her and Draco.

As she looked around, her jaw dropped. A hundred thousand witches and wizards occupied the seats on various levels around the long oval field. A mysterious golden light bathed everything, seeming to radiate from the stadium itself. From above, the field appeared to be made of velvet. At each end, there were three goal hoops, rising fifteen meters high. On the opposite side from where they were, almost at Astria's eye level, there was a huge blackboard. Golden words continuously scrolled across the board, as if a giant invisible hand was writing and erasing them, projecting announcements onto the field.

"Bluebottle: a broom for the whole family - safe, reliable, equipped with an anti-theft alarm... Mrs. Skower's Magical Multi-Purpose Stain Remover: painless and colorless!... Broomstraw Fashion Magic - London, Paris, Hogsmeade..."

Astria looked away from the board and glanced over her shoulder to see who else was sharing the box with them. When she blinked, she saw a head of black hair among several redheads.

"POTTAH!" Draco exclaimed, rising with a broad smile.

"Malfoy!" Harry responded with an equally broad grin. "Astria, hi!"

They approached, and Astria could identify Hermione and Ginny among the boys.

"Hello, girls, who are you cheering for?" She asked, surprisingly gentle. Hermione blushed and looked away in a strange way.

"It's... Ireland."

"Ireland!" Ginny exclaimed proudly.

"Oh, Narcissa. Hello," Mr. Weasley stumbled a bit before extending his hand.

"Hello, Arthur, good to see you," Narcissa smiled gently.

"Look, Harry, you're right next to us," Draco exclaimed once again, seeming even more excited if possible.

"True," said Harry, delighted, looking around with bright green eyes, enchanted with everything around him.

Astria took out her binoculars and began testing them, observing the crowd below, on the opposite side of the stadium.

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