𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬

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The sky was overcast that day, numerous clouds veiled the Quidditch pitch, allowing only sporadic glimpses of scarlet and emerald hues from the stands, where houses fervently cheered during the final match.

Astria had to argue extensively with Narcissa to secure a ride on her broom. Apparently, the love potion could disrupt the senses, even after its cancellation, for a few weeks. That didn't stop her from soaring at high speed in pursuit of the Golden Snitch.

"And there goes Draco from Slytherin, taking the Quaffle," echoed a dreamy voice across the Hogwarts grounds. "Last time, he wasn't even seen crossing the field. It was funny, considering how flashy his hair is; that must be why he's a Slytherin. Sneaking around without being seen... Oh, look, he lost possession of the Quaffle, Ginny stole it from him, I like her, she's very good... and so pretty..."

Astria looked wide-eyed, partly amused, at the announcer's podium. Surely, no one in their right mind would let Luna Lovegood narrate the game! But even from up high, there was no mistaking those long blond locks and that necklace made of bottle caps... Next to Luna, Minerva seemed somewhat embarrassed, as if reflecting on such a choice.

"...but now that big guy from Slytherin took the Quaffle from Ginny, I can't quite remember his name, it's something like Bibble... no, Buggins..."

"It's Warrington!" exclaimed Minerva loudly next to Luna.

The crowd laughed.

The game was terribly entertaining. The only thing that wasn't so funny was Harry taking a Bludger to the head and falling off his broom. There was no one to replace him, which resulted, quite amusingly, in Astria leaning back on her broom watching Draco and Ginny practically killing each other for the Quaffle. Definitely, the best chasers in their respective houses.

When she got tired, she finally resumed searching for the Snitch and caught it, ensuring the end of the game. Certainly, Harry would be devastated when he woke up and saw the score. The lions were crushed.


Fragments of a vivid blue sky were beginning to appear over the castle towers, but these signs of the impending summer did little to alleviate Astria's anxiety. She spent a considerable portion of her days contemplating how to approach Professor Slughnton with her long-suppressed memories.

The opportunity presented itself over the weekend. The professor was hosting another one of his incessant dinners, and Astria was undoubtedly invited. Upon arrival, she could immediately discern the significant difference in decor since the last reception during Christmas.

There was a circular coffee table with space for over twenty people, numerous portraits on the side shelf, a beautiful dust-laden hourglass in the corner of the coffee table near the wine-colored leather sofa. Interestingly, somewhat concealed from everyone's view, was an empty and lifeless aquarium. Unlike the hourglass, this one wasn't dusty.

"Astria, my dear, come, take a seat," the professor exclaimed animatedly, guiding her towards the dining table. Numerous colleagues she recognized from previous gatherings were already present, including some Slytherins from her own house.

Throughout the dinner, the professor subtly continued his not-so-subtle inquiries into the lives of all present. However, it was only during dessert, while enjoying chocolate ice cream balls, that the conversation truly became intriguing.

"So, tell me, Colbec, have you heard anything about your uncle Tarberius these days?" inquired the professor.

"Yes, sir. In fact, we have a meeting scheduled with him and the Minister of Magic for a hunting expedition on the upcoming holiday," replied the boy, still with a spoon in his mouth.

HP • Legilimency   |   𝐍. 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘   Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz