𝐃𝐨𝐠, 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐬, 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭

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The plot twist is coming


The Slytherin had once again triumphed over Gryffindor, and the victory in the Quidditch Cup filled Astria with a joy that lasted a whole week. And of course, the best part wasn't just winning, but the sadistic delight of watching Minerva McGonagall squirming in the stands, almost leaping out of them, while Snape and Narcissa acted as if they had won the lottery with McGonagall's slip-up. Astria knew she had rubbed salt in the wound when she sprawled on the ground, raising the golden snitch triumphantly.

The weather also seemed to join the celebration. As June approached, the days grew brighter and warmer, and what everyone really wanted was to sprawl on the lawns with liters of iced pumpkin juice by their side, perhaps even play a casual game of Gobstones while watching a giant sleepy squid swim on the surface of the lake. But, of course, who needs that when you have exams knocking at the door? The students were forced to lock themselves in the castle, trying to force their brains to function as the summer heat poured in through the windows.

Even the mischievous Fred and George Weasley were caught studying, as they were about to take their O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizarding Levels). Astria, however, skillfully used the Time-Turner, and her grades were skyrocketing. If she kept it up, she might even surpass Bellatrix's records from her school days. Of course, a casual search revealed that Lady Black's older sister was also known as "the brightest witch of her age." Ah, Bellatrix and her mother would be the perfect comparison between her and Hermione.

The only difference is that Bellatrix and her mother were inseparable friends, while Astria could only dream of pushing Hermione towards the giant squid in the Black Lake and savoring popcorn as she watched her scream.

Exam week arrived, plunging the castle into an unusual silence. The third-year students emerged from the Transfiguration exam at lunchtime on Monday, pale and exhausted, comparing answers and lamenting the difficulty of the tasks set, like turning a teapot into a tortoise. After a hasty lunch, the boys went straight back upstairs to take the Charms exam. Astria was right; Professor Flitwick really asked for animating spells. Draco went a bit overboard with his, out of pure nervousness, and Astria, who was his partner, ended up with fits of hysterical laughter and had to be taken to a quiet room, where she stayed for an hour until she was fit to take the exam.

Perhaps, as revenge, she turned Draco's hair pink. Narcissa, however, didn't find the idea as funny as Astria did.

After dinner, the students returned to their common rooms, not to relax, but to begin studying Care of Magical Creatures, Potions, and Astronomy. The Care of Magical Creatures exam, administered by Hagrid the next morning, involved taking care of Nifflers and keeping them well-behaved for an hour. It wasn't an easy task since these little creatures fell in love with anything that glittered or jingled like gold.


A few days passed, and everyone was absolutely exhausted after the exams. Astria wasn't sure she would have made it without the Time-Turner, that precious thing. She even had the luxury of a stroll in the gardens on Saturday afternoon with her idiotic friends. Lago rested on her shoulder as she gazed at the sky. The five of them were walking back to the castle, taking their time, enjoying the view. The brightness was disappearing quickly now. When they reached the garden area, darkness fell as if by magic, all around them.

"Scabbers, be quiet," Ron hissed, pressing his hand against his chest. The rat was struggling frantically. Ron stopped suddenly, trying to push it further into his pocket. "It's your ugly cat scaring him."

HP • Legilimency   |   𝐍. 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘   Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz