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My dearests, it's come to an end. I shall be posting the first chapter of Obliviate sooner than you anticipate as well. And as promised, the outset is to remind you all of the journey that has unfolded over these past two.


Thirteen years after

The sun cast golden beams through the window crystals, lighting up the room with an almost magical glow. Astria arose, vexed by the incessant noise of birds, a morning symphony that seemed more like chaos to her sleepy ears. Narcissa, meanwhile, remained submerged in a tranquil slumber, undisturbed by the winged creatures' chorus.

"Sleeps like a log," Astria murmured affectionately, planting a soft kiss on her wife's shoulder before stretching and making her way to the bathroom.

Upon facing the mirror, the first thing she noticed was her reflection. Her black hair, interrupted by a single silvery blonde strand, fell over her shoulders. Her dark eyes still sparkled with the intensity of two stars, but the youthful face of yesteryears had been replaced by strong, handsome, yet severe features. Age had transformed her, making her feel more like her mother's daughter than Tom Riddle's.

She smiled to herself, a smile of acceptance and contentment. After finishing her morning ablutions, she walked down the hall, hearing muffled laughter behind a door on the right. As she passed, she smiled and said aloud, "Come down for breakfast. Quietly, mummy's sleeping."

"Can you stop referring to my mother as 'our mummy'?" Draco growled, opening a door on the left abruptly. Harry, adjusting his dressing gown, laughed behind him as he stepped into the corridor.

"What's the matter, son, woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" Astria teased, descending the stairs. Draco cursed behind her, and Harry nearly choked laughing "Besides, I wasn't talking to you."

"Morning star," Harry greeted with a yawn.

"Why did I agree to sleep here again?" Draco questioned Harry as he sat down at the table, his hand weighing his head as if trying to stave off a migraine.

"Morning, Hazz. And to answer your question, Dray? Because you two were too drunk to Apparate safely," Astria rolled her eyes, smiling at the elderly house-elf as she passed her and sat down at the table.

"Morning, Tinky. May I have some eggs?"

"Of course, Mistress Black," the small old elf smiled, quick to prepare breakfast.

"It's Daphne's fault. Who leaves open access to firewhisky at a wedding?"

"I believe it was Pansy's idea," Harry corrected with a chuckle, and Draco gestured for his fiancé to stop laughing.

"Don't laugh so loud, dear. Please-" but before he could finish, a shrill squeal made him spill all his tea on himself.

"GOOD MORNING!" shouted a child's voice running through the door.

"Merlin, you've birthed a Mandrake," Draco murmured, as Astria rolled her eyes and slapped his arm before bending down to pick up the little blonde girl.

Electra's dark eyes met hers intensely as the little one pouted and pointed at Draco.

"Yes, darling, he is naughty. I'll deal with him later," said Narcissa, appearing in the doorway right behind Electra. She smiled as she approached Astria, giving her a soft kiss on the lips and a peck on the cheek of their youngest daughter.

"You didn't wake me, as usual."

"I woke mummy!" Electra said proudly, and Astria couldn't help but laugh when Narcissa sighed.

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