Eh Hi? (L.B)

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Y/n's POV

'SARA TANCREDI ANSWER THIS FUCKING DOOR NOW!' I say banging on my cousins apartment door

'Y/n?' Sara says opening her door

'I'm naw happy wae you' I say walking in her apartment

'Y/n, it's ten in the morning' Sara says yawning

'I don't give a fuck' I say walking into her sitting room

'What is it' Sara says

'What the fuck did you think you were doing?!' I say

'Doing what?' Sara says confused

'You letting 8 prisoners escape without telling me!! We tell each other everything!' I say

'Really?' Sara says dumbfounded

'Yes really' I say crossing my arms

'I couldn't tell anyone Y/n' Sara says

'Aye you fucking could. You could've told me' I say

'Y/n please stop ranting' Sara says

'No I won't' I say

There's a knock on Sara's and I walk over to answer it. I open it to see Micheal Schofield and Lincoln Burrows standing in front of me 

'Who are you?' Micheal asks 

I scoff and say 

'Sara's cousin' 

'Oh em can we come in?' Micheal says 

I contemplate it for a moment. I walk away and leave the door open 

'You have visitors' I say to Sara as I walk into her sitting room 

Sara looks over to see Micheal and Lincoln in her apartment 

I sit down on her couch glaring at Micheal and Lincoln. Lincoln shuffles from foot to foot anxiously 

'Em Y/n and Lincoln can you two give us some privacy' Sara says politely 

I just give Sara a 'seriously' look and Sara gives me a 'Please' look and I just grumpily get up and go into Sara's kitchen and Lincoln follows me 

I just look out of Sara's kitchen window not making a single noise. I can sense Lincoln looking at me and it isn't very pleasant 

'Can you stop looking at me?' I say annoyingly

'Sorry' Lincoln says looking down to the floor

I feel bad for snapping at him so I walk towards him and stand next to him 

'Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you' I say 

'It's fine' Lincoln says 

'Did you really do it?' I ask

'Do what?' Lincoln says 

'Kill the president's brother' I say 

'No, I didn't I was framed' Lincoln says 

'Who do you think framed you?' I ask 

'I have no idea' Lincoln says 

'I'm sorry, you had to go through that' I say sympathetically 

'It's fine but I just don't know why whoever framed me chose me yk?' Lincoln says

'Some people are just fucked in the head' I say 

'Yeah they sure are' Lincoln says 

'Are you two finished yet!' I shouted through to Sara and Micheal 

'Y/n wait' Sara says 

'You better not be sucking him off in there when I'm here' I say

I hear Micheal chuckle and Lincoln just starts laughing 

'I like you' Lincoln says 

'What can I say I'm fabulous' I say flipping my hair 

Lincoln just chuckles and looks to the floor

'You know what?' I say 

'What?' Lincoln says 

'I wanna get to know you more' I say 

'What are you saying?' Lincoln says 

'Oh I'm not saying anything' I say 

'Well, it sounds like you were going to ask me to go out with you to get to each other more am I right?' Lincoln says 

'No, A woman doesn't ask people out on a date' I say 

'Well in that case Y/n will you go out on a date with me?' Lincoln says 

'Yes I will' I say smiling 

'Ok we're done!' Sara says 

'Ugh finally' I say walking out of the kitchen 

'What took so fucking long' I say to Sara 

'We were speaking Y/n' Sara says

'Yes I know dipshit I'm not thick' I say sarcastically 

Micheal and Lincoln just chuckle at us whilst Sara and I bicker 

To Be Continued...

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