Clubbing (L.B & M.S)

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Let's all pretend they never went to Fox River

I'm in my room getting ready to go clubbing with my best mates Micheal Schofield, Lincoln Burrows, Fernando Sucre, Theodore Bagwell, and Sara Tancredi. I'm curling my hair when I hear loud voices outside my front door and then banging on my door.

'I'M JUST COMING I'M CURLING MY FUCKING HAIR CALM DOWN!' I shout quickly putting my curler down and opening my front door.

'Fucking hell Theo who shat in your cornflakes this morning' I say sarcastically making everyone but Theo.

'I can't lie Y/N but with your Scottish accent and you say what you said it was so funny' Micheal said whilst bending over in laughter

I chuckle and then I remember I need to give Sara a dress for her to borrow since her fashion sense is horrible

'OH Sara come with me I have the perfect dress for you' I say dragging Sara towards my room

'Wait no Y/N I'm fine wearing this' Sara says and I do a whole 360

'Sara that is not suitable for going out. Your curves are sexy and u need to show them off' I say whilst folding my arms

 Your curves are sexy and u need to show them off' I say whilst folding my arms

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^^^ That's what Sara was wearing before

I go into my wardrobe and I find three dresses for Sara to try on

I go into my wardrobe and I find three dresses for Sara to try on

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^^^ 1

^^^ 2

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^^^ 2

^^^ 3 (You can choose what dress Sara wears)

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^^^ 3
(You can choose what dress Sara wears)

'Oh no Y/N there's too much skin' Sara says

'Oh come on Sara, you can look hot for Micheallllllll' I drag out Micheal's name because Sara always says she doesn't like Micheal like that but everyone except Micheal knows the truth which is she fancies the fuck out of Micheal.

'Go fuck yourself Y/N' Sara says chuckling

She eventually chooses one of the dresses and damnnnnn she looks hawttttttttttt but I need to finish getting ready so I put on music and Sara helps to put my hair in rollers so my hair will be out of my face when I do my makeup. All of the boys come through to my room and Micheal's eyes will not move from Sara's body. I sneakily wink at Lincoln through my mirror.

'How long will you be y/n?' Theo asks

'I won't be long I promise' I say knowing I'll be a while

'Sara pass my phone I'm going to change the playlist to get me into the clubbing mood' I ask Sara

Sara passes my phone and I put on my playlist tipsyyyy which I only listen to when I'm getting ready to go out

After I finish my make-up I get my dress out of my wardrobe and I get dressed

After I finish my make-up I get my dress out of my wardrobe and I get dressed

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^^^ The top photo is your makeup and it's matched with nude lipstick and the bottom photo is your dress

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^^^ The top photo is your makeup and it's matched with nude lipstick and the bottom photo is your dress

After I come out of my bedroom. I quickly go into my bathroom to spray deodorant and perfume and so I smell amazing for the boys I'm going to meet in the club.

Sara comes into the bathroom and gets me because the boys are now moaning to get to the club because they're manwhores. So Sara and I walked out of the bathroom and I called a taxi to take us to the club.

We get into the club and it is so busy but Lincoln takes me straight to the bar to get some drinks for the group.

'OMG Lincoln' I say nervously

'What's wrong' Lincoln says noticing my sudden nervousness

'Ryan's over there and he won't stop staring at me' I say uncomfortably

'Stay with me the whole night ok I won't let anything happen to you' Lincoln says whispering into my ear

'Okay' I say

And then the drinks come so we take them to the booth where we're all seated at

Sara and I go crazy on the shots and within 45 minutes of us being in the club. Sara and I are pished (A Scottish version for drunk). We're on the dance floor dancing and singing to Hey baby (Drop it to the floor) by Pitbull. I then feel hands being placed on my hips so I turn around and it's Ryan

'Get the fuck off of me' I say and push him away from me and I walk towards Lincoln

'He came up to me and put his hands on my hips' I say

'I'll come dance with you' Lincoln says and he puts his hand on my lower back

I just let loose with Lincoln. I noticed Ryan always looking at us and looking so envious so I pulled Lincoln in and kissed him.

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