Morning (L.B)

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What the fuck who's banging on my door at 9 am in the morning

I get out of bed half asleep and I tiredly walk over to my door I unlock it and open it and I just let whoever it was in and I just go back to bed and fall back to sleep.


'FOR FUCK SAKE WHOEVER IS SAYING MY NAME SHUT THE FUCK UP' I shout at whoever is trying to speak to a sleeping girl

I hear snickering and I open my eyes to see my boyfriend and his little brother. I just death-stare them and I just go back to sleep

'Y/nnnnnnnnn' my boyfriend says and then he blows in my face

'Lincoln I'm going to give you two seconds to get out of my face before I scream bloody murder' I say with my eyes still closed

'Wake up' Micheal says

'No now fuck off I'm trying to get my beauty sleep' I say and just turn away from them

'Y/n we have something planned for you it's a surprise' Lincoln says knowing that I love surprises but in this particular situation I don't trust him so

'Babe as much as I love surprises. I love sleep more right now so, please let me sleep I've been up all night being sick' I say tiredly

'Ok fine we'll come back later, you better be up for 12' Lincoln says

'I will be I'll set an alarm' I say

'Ok I love you bye' He says

'I love you too' I say and I finally get to slip back off to sleep


'Mike I have something to tell you' Linc says to me

'What is it' I say turning my head so I can look at Lincoln

'Y/n...' Linc says to me nervously

'What about Y/n Linc? Is she ok' I say worryingly

'Yeah she's fine but she's 2 months pregnant' He says looking at me

I stop everything and my jaw hits the floor and my eyes go wide

'Are you joking?' I say surprised

'No, and we don't know what to do she didn't want to tell anyone until her bump got bigger and more noticeable but I couldn't stand and lie to you any longer' He says apologetically

'It's fine I get where y/n's coming from. Does her family know' I ask cautiously knowing the history between Y/N and her family

'No, she's not wanting to tell them because Mike they haven't bothered with her since she moved here from Scotland' Linc says

We sit on Y/n's couch we just talk about everything regarding Y/n's pregnancy


'I'm scared Mike. I really am what if Lisa gets through to her' I say

'Linc, You do realize Y/n hates Lisa's guts as soon as she found out do you remember what she did?' Micheal said to me

'Yeah I remember what she did' I say smiling at the memory

'What did she do again?' Micheal says acting dumb

'She bumped into Lisa in public, and Lisa jumped at the opportunity to chat shit about me to y/n then it went downhill from there' I say

'So do you really think Y/n would believe Lisa over you?' Micheal asks me

'No, I don't' I say

Then we hear Y/n run to the bathroom. I jump off the couch and run to the bathroom to help Y/n. I move her hair out of the way so puke won't get in her hair.

'Does Micheal know?' Y/n asks

'Yeah, he does. I couldn't stand lying to him any longer' He says sadly

'Y/n it's fine I understand why you didn't want anyone to know' Micheal says behind me and y/n which makes us jump a small bit

'Micheal you have to stop that' Y/n says giggling a bit

I smile at her just knowing that this woman is carrying my child is amazing. My baby is going to be very protected


To be continued

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