Period (M.S)

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Y/n's POV

My period could not come at a worse time of course it came when I was at work and when I didn't have any tampons. So I had to improvise which led to me wrapping a shit tone of toilet paper around my underwear until I got home which was in like 3 hours so I had to suffer. I need go to go to Target to get a new restock if Tampons which annoys me because I just wanna go straight home but I don't expect Micheal to go and get me Tampons and plus I think he's busy with Lincoln today.

My cramps start getting really bad and I don't how much longer I can go on since I don't have any paracetamol with me. My boss walks past and notices my discomfort.

'Are you okay Y/n?' She says

'Hi Laura, yeah I'm fine just cramps' I say

'If you need to go home then feel free to' Laura says

'Are you sure' I say

'Yeah it's fine. I'll still pay you like I normally do because it's only a couple of hours your missing out on' Laura says

'Thank you so much Laura' I start getting my things ready to go home

'See you soon Y/n' Laura says

'Bye Laura' I say and leave the office

I get to my car and unlock it. I get in my car and drive off to Target. I arrive at Target and I walk to get my tampons and some food I like to snack on when I'm on my period aka basically the whole sweety isle (sweety is the Scottish version of Candy).

I go the check out and pay for my items

'That comes to $61.86 please' The cashier says I just put my card to the card machine and pay. I get my stuff and walk out of Target and get to my car and drive off.

I get to mine and Micheal's within like 15 minutes. I get the bags and walk in to the house.

Micheal and Lincoln are in the sitting room watching Fast and Furious 7. I try sneak into the kitchen but I fail misabrely when Lincoln turns his head when he heard the door opened.

'Hey Y/n' Lincoln says

'Hi' I say trying not to show that im in pain

'What did you get from Target' Lincoln says

Micheal whips his head round and he gets off the couch (sofa)

'You went to Target without me' Micheal says

'Well, I needed some stuff' I say

'What stuff?' Micheal says curiously

'Just necessities' I say hiding the bag

'Let me see' Micheal says grabbing the bag

He looks in the bag and notices the tampons and he looks at me and gives me a sad look because he hates it when I'm on my period because I cry every time I'm on period because I'm so emotional all the time.

He gives me a hug and just let's me go to our room because that's basically where I stay whenever I'm on my period.

I get to our bedroom and I just flop onto my bed and I just look up onto the ceiling thinking why do periods have to exist there so pointless and painful?

I get up to get to a tampon and I go into the bathroom to do my business. I get out the bathroom and Micheal's sitting on the bed

'Lincoln went home' Micheal says

'Okay, my stomach's so sore' I say going to lie down on the bed

'Do you want some hot chocolate?' Micheal says

'Yes, please babe' I say

'Ok i'll be right back' Micheal says leaving

I love Micheal so much. He does so much for me and I can't thank him enough for it I'm so grateful for him.

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