Arguments (L.B)

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Let's just pretend the money was near a warehouse and not in some ladies house

I walk away from Lincoln because he's just really annoying me because all he's talking about is finding this 5 million pounds and it's just frying my brain so I walk away trying to be the bigger person in this situation

'Y/N! Where are you going? You need to help' Lincoln shouts after me

'No Lincoln I'm done!' I say just snapping at him

'What do you mean you're done? You broke out too remember that' Lincoln says getting shitty with me

'Yes I know I broke out too but finding this money is all you're talking about and it's getting too much!! It's all you go on about!' I say finally letting it out

'Well maybe you should've stayed and did your time for the crime you committed' Lincoln says insensitively

All I saw was red and I went right into his face

'You know I never committed that fucking crime!! You of all people should know how it feels to get framed!' I say shouting at him

'Well, I don't know did you commit that crime? We don't know you that much?' Lincoln says getting in my face

'I've told all of you about three thousand fucking times my boyfriend killed those people! I was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time' I say and my eyes start watering

I run to the warehouse and stay in there for the rest of the night and I end up crying myself to sleep

'Not cool man' My brother says to me after y/n runs off

'Micheal don't start please I'm not in the mood' I say defeated

'Well Linc you can't say that, I honestly can't believe you said that' Micheal says to me in disbelief

'Well what do you expect me to do. You'd probably do the same thing!' I say snapping at Micheal

'No that's where you're wrong. I wouldn't get in a woman's face I wouldn't tell her that it's her fault for getting framed for a crime she didn't fucking commit' Micheal says to me

'Whatever Micheal' I say just giving up with this conversation

'I want you to go and apologise to y/n now' Micheal says trying to get me to apologise

'Micheal you need to remember I'm the older one not the other way around' I say and I just walk to the warehouse

I wake up to find Lincoln sitting beside me just looking at me so I just roll my eyes and get up and walk to the other side of the room

'Y/N please talk to me' Lincoln pleads to me

'No, because you're just going to jump down my throat again and say that I committed the crime that I was framed for and I'm not doing it Lincoln. I've had so much in my head for the past couple of days and it's getting to be too much I can't deal with it anymore' I say as I start crying and I drop down to the floor

Lincoln comes running over to me and just let's me cry in his arms for what seems like forever

'Y/N I'm so sorry for saying all of the shitty things I said I didn't mean any of it' Lincoln says and it sounds like he's crying as well
I look up at him and he just lets all of his sadness come out on my shoulder

'Lincoln it's fine I get it. At first, the 5 million was all I thought about but the more I was looking for it the faster I got bored' I say explaining how I felt so annoyed with Lincoln when he used to go on and on about the 5 million

Lincoln and I just sit talking and getting to know each other for what seems like forever

'I never noticed how attractive Lincoln is' I think to myself as I feel this feeling I haven't felt for a long time come back

All I know is Lincoln pushing his soft lips on mine and it turns into a make-out but before it goes anywhere else I pull away because I don't wanna get laid in a warehouse when there's people outside of it digging for money

To be continued...

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