Hostage (L.B)

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Y/n's POV

I've been in contact with Micheal. Well Nika they're being held hostage somewhere by two former Fox River guards. I've never really warmed up to her, I just don't like the look of her. I don't mean to sound bitchy well who am I kidding I don't care if I sound bitchy or not. I've taken my sisters car since my car is too loud which is annoying for situations like this because my car is very fast so I could just speed but Ellie's car is kinda fast but not as fast as mine. I'm kinda nervous for what I'm about to do.

I'm meeting my cousins there because once we're all together there's no stopping us. My GPS says that it's a minute away. I quickly double check that I have everything I need before I leave

• Knife
• Frying Pan (Don't ask it's all I could think of)
• Chloroform
• Ropes
• and finally metal bar

I get to the location and meet my cousins there

'Finally took you a while' Callan says

'Oh fuck you I had to take Ellie's car since my subaru is too loud' I say

'Right we need to go in' I say to my cousins

Including me there's eight of us and there's me, Chris, Micheal, Callan, James, Alannah, Beth and Charlotte

I get the frying pan out of my bag and I prepare myself for what I'm about to do

We walk into what looks like a fucking barn but a small one not a big one. I hear voices and I hear Lincoln's voice which gives me butterflies.

Come on Y/n you can do this

I yank open the door to where Lincoln, Micheal and Nika is and the guard quickly turns around and goes for me but before he can do anything I hit him over the head with the frying pan which knocks him cold. The other guard comes running and Chris punches him in the face and gets the metal bar from the bag which I threw on the ground just before I knocked the guard out and Chris starts beating the guard with the metal bar

Charlotte, Beth and Callan quickly unties Micheal, Lincoln and Nika and then more people come in and goes for James and Micheal (Y/n's cousin) and then thats when a massive brawl starts

(just pretend that other people this whole imagine happened in the show when Bellick and geary hold them hostage)

Unsurprisingly Nika runs out of the brawl and leaves us to batter every single one

Some lady tries going for me but I manage to dodge her punch and I throw her in a window which knocks her out and then a man kicks my leg from under me and gets on top of me and starts punching me. Lincoln sees this and drags the man off of me and starts throwing punch after punch at this man then I notice another lady hitting Callan and I quickly get the Frying Pan and I whack her across the back of the head with it. Eventually we get all of the people and tie them up to where the guards tied Micheal, Lincoln and Nika and we leave. We see Nika at the car and I sprint up to her

'What the fuck was that' I say raising my voice

'What?' Nika says with an attitude

'You left us to fight all those people' I say dumbfounded

'So? You all had it handled' Nika says with more attitude

'I tell you right fucking now. I'm not the one to be giving attitude to right now because I will batter fuck out of you in a second' I say with my voice dangerously low

'Do it then' Nika says and I go for her. I push her against the car and drag her down to the ground and I throw punch after punch to her. I get up and start kicking and stomping on her and then Lincoln grabs me and takes me away



'JUST SHOWS THAT YOU'RE FULL OF PLASTIC FUCKING SURGERY' I shout at Nika and Lincoln puts me in the passenger seat and he gets in the drivers seat and Micheal goes in the back

'I forgot how fiesty you are' Micheal says laughing

'Goes to show that I haven't changed I say looking out the window

'Why a fucking frying pan?' Lincoln says laughing

'It's all I could think of!' I say laughing

'Y/n you had a metal bar' Micheal says

'Well I needed more metal things' I say sassily

'God girl do not change' Lincoln says chuckling

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