Chapter 13

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Few days have passed since what happened at the restaurant. I haven't going out of my room since then because I'm scared I'll see him and he'll do it again. Andrew have called me these days but I ignored his calls because he will ask questions about what happened and I'm not ready to answer to any of them.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.
Lr:Come in.

The door opened and I saw Andrew in a black t-shirt and blue jeans. My eyes locked with his he was speaking something to me but I was just lost in those dark brown eyes.
A:Lex are you alright?
A:Did you hear me what I said this past 1 minute?
Lr:No I was lost looking at you.
A:*laughs* But are you okay? You haven't been answering my calls these days.
Lr:Yeah I'm okay now i wasn't feeling good.

He sat next to me on the bed and looked at me with those eyes I couldn't resist.
A:So wanna hangout today?*smiles*
A:Okay,I'll come at 7pm to pick you up to go to dinner.*smiles*
Lr:Okay.*smiles* Can you stay a bit?

Few hours later it was time for dinner. So I put on a white crop top with my baby blue short jeans.

Andrew's car parked infront of my house at 7pm.
When I got in he was with camouflage jeans,white shirt and a black beanie.
A:Hey love.*smiles*
Lr:Hey.*kisses him*

He drived to a sushi restaurant.
We talked,laughed and had fun.
Then later Andrew brought us back to his house.
A:What do you want to do babe?
Lr:Um let's watch a movie and cuddle.*smiles*
A:Okay what movie?
Lr:I don't know you choose.*smiles*

He puts on a movie and I layed my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

There was a part in the movie when a shirtless guy came. My jaw dropped and Andrew noticed.
A:Is he hotter than me?
Lr:No you're the most hottest guy in the world!

I saw a little smirk appear on his face.
Few seconds pass until he suddenly picked me up and placed me on the kitchen counter.
Lr:What are you-

He started kissing me passionately.
I felt his hand under my top massaging my boobs,which made me moan intensely.

He lifted me from the counter and walked to his room. There he layed me on the bed and started undressing me. He removed his clothes and turned around so i can be on top of him. I was kissing down his stomach and keeping eye contact with him.
He turned me around and started thrusting in slowly.
Lr:Andrew w-wait..
Something down there was hurting a lot its not from ifykyk it was something else.
Lr:Andrew stop for a sec...
A:Not so soon Lex, I'm not done yet.*smirks*

I tried to forget about it but with each thrust the pain was increasing.
Lr:Andrew stop stop.
I tried telling him to stop a multiple times but he didn't listen.
Lr:Andrew please stop!*crys*

I pushed him off and took a deep breaths.
A:What's wrong, love?
Lr:It hurts so much down there! And my waist too!*crys*
A:We're going to the hospital!

He quickly put on mine and his clothes then picked me up and runned with me to the car.
The drive to the hospital seemed like the longest drive in my life!
A:We're almost there Lex,just hold in for a few more minutes.*squeezes her hand*

After 10 minutes of driving we reached the hospital.
N:Hello welcome to LA Hospital.What is your problem?
The nurse at the front desk asks.
Lr:Few days ago I got raped and now it's hurts a lot down there!
N:Oh my God! We'll get you a doctor right away!

She goes to tell someone in the back something and then a few nurses came with a hospital bed. I lay down on the bed and hold Andrew's hand as they take me to a room.

N:Sir, We're going to have to ask you to stay back.
Lr:No please let him come.
N:Sorry ma'am but nobody can come while we're helping you. He'll be able to see you once we're done.
A:I'll be back soon Lex. You'll be okay.
He kissed my forehead and walks to the waiting room.

The nurses take me to a room and started checking me.
N:Sweetie can we undress your bottom half to see what's going on there?
Lr:Yes,just do whatever you can to make the pain stop.

They removed my pants and underwear off to check me. Then they draw my blood.
N:You're bleeding a lot are you on your period?
Lr:No I got it earlier this month.
N:Okay,we're going to give you some medication to make the pain stop.
We're already testing your blood.

N2(the other nurse):Looks like you have a bit of tearing.Did the man raped you with a lot of force.

Lr:Not that much,but before we came here me and my boyfriend had sex and that probably made it worse.
N2:Uhm I understand.

Thr doctor told me that I just had a few tears and I was bleeding a lot.
Thankfully I didn't have any diseases.
She just gave me some pills to make the pain stop.
They let Andrew in once they were done.
A:How are you feeling?
He asks as he took a seat on the chair next to my bed.
Lr:Much better.*smiles*
He kissed my forehead and held my hand.
A:Who did this horrible thing to you?

I can't tell him because if I do that will probably affect his family.And I don't want to be a family crasher.
I couldn't help but cry.
A:Hey its okay,just tell me.*smiles*
I took a deep breath and looked him Lr:Few days ago in the restaurant with your family. I walked outside then um..your uncle..followed me..and then he dragged me behind the building and yeah...
A:This mother fucker..I knew it!
I'm so sorry that happened to you.
I'm so sorry..
Lr:It's okay it's not your fault.*smiles*
A:I swear to God I'll kill him.
Lr:Don't he is part of your family.
A:I don't care he can't touch my girl.
Lr:Yeah but if you beat him up or do something to him what's the point?
We can't go back to that night to stop this from happening.
A:Yeah but-
Lr:No buts now let's go to sleep cause I'm tired.

We cuddled up in the bed and fall asleep.

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