The Model Part One

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Amelia had decided to stick close by Serena after meeting up with her, taking her time to complain about all that's happened on her journey.

And honestly some of the stories were crazy. I mean which idiot falls into a series of ditches that actually leads to a hidden village for injured Pokémon and magically befriends one of those Pokémon and captures them at the end.

No one!

Anyway, Amelia wanted to travel with Serena. She was tired of being lonely and said that having an old friend might help. She extended the offer to Ana but the girl had a different route planned for herself and rejected the offer.

Then it was time for Amelia's gym battle. It was a three on three battle and Amelia had chosen Tranquill as her starting Pokémon. Burgh had used his same Pokémon again and they seemed warier than the previous day. They tried to dodge the worst attacks instead of using Protect but it seemed to do even worse for them all throughout the battle. Burgh used Whirlipede last.

"Use Poison Sting!" Burgh commanded. Whirlipede jumped into the air and spun firing pin needles full of poison at the Tranquill.

Naturally, the bird dodged on command.

"Use Gust!"

Tranquill called out loudly in exertion as it flashed its wings as hard as it could, summoning a huge blast of wind at the bug and poison type mix.

As the Whirlipede was sent back, Burgh gritted his teeth. "Whirlipede, use Steamroller!"

He shouted over the raging winds and Whirlipede obeyed the order, spinning like a wheel and rolling straight towards the bird.

"Meet it head on! Use Steel Wing!"

The two clashed in a battle of strength and just when it seemed like no one would win, Burgh called out an order.

"Use Poison Sting!"

The Whirlipede spun harder and fired poison needles out of its body. Tranquill had to pull back.

"Blow them away with Gust then use Air Slash!"

Tranquill cried out again and blowed away the needles with one huge flap of its wings. Then it's wings started to glow white before blades of wind hit the Whirlipede.

Burgh sighed when Whirlipede fell to the ground but handed Amelia the Insect Badge anyways. Serena couldn't help but sigh with him. It was obvious he was still suffering from his loss. Serena hoped it wouldn't affect him too much or this gym will be losing a lot of badges.

The two girls were eating breakfast at the Pokémon Center early in the morning.

"So what other Pokémon you've got? Other than Tranquill."

"I have a Bulbasaur which you know of, a Gothita and an Axew."

Serena oohed. "That's a lot of uncommon Pokémon."

Amelia sighed. "Yeah but they aren't as strong as Tranquill. Bulbasaur is okay but Gothita only knows two moves Pound and Growl and Axew knows three moves but doesn't know how to use any of them properly! It's the most frustrating thing when it comes to training."

Serena hummed. "Would you like some help?"

Amelia shook her head. "No, I'll figure it out."

Serena shrugged. "Okay. If you say so."

Amelia took a gulp of her orange juice. "Have you talked to Professor Juniper recently?"

Serena shook her head. "Actually no. I guess it just never crossed my mind."

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