The Historian

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Serena didn't know how she could have missed it. She met the Sinnoh Champion. And not just a little glimpse. She sat down, talked to her and had her contacts!

Serena panicked for a embarrassingly long while over that. Still, she had reached Nacrene City fairly quickly after that and Serena was satisfied of her journey on the way there.

"Buneary. The Rabbit Pokémon. Buneary can attack by rolling up their ears and then striking with the force created by unrolling them. This attack becomes stronger with training. When it senses danger, it perks up its ears. On cold nights, it sleeps with its head tucked into its fur. This Buneary is female and knows the much Fire Punch, Ice Beam, Double Hit, Bounce, Quick Attack and Flail. Its ability is Klutz."

Serena patted Buneary's head while the Pokémon curled up its ears to avoid them getting hurt from the action. "You're a powerhouse, aren't you?"

Buneary nodded and started to pull muscle poses making awkward sounds all while doing it.

"Ok, I'm done scanning you so you can do whatever you want for now. Training will start soon though so don't go too far."

Buneary nodded and moved to walk away only for it to fall. Serena's jaw dropped. "Did she just trip on air?"

Serena helped the Pokémon up off the ground. "Are you okay?"

Buneary nodded and extended her arm. It seemed to be trying to give a thumbs up without realizing it didn't have thumbs.

Buneary walked over to where Nagini and Grace were and tripped once again right in front of the two who rushed to help her. Serena couldn't help but chuckle.

Klutz is right.

Trainers receive a TM case for free after purchasing a TM for the first time so Serena happily accepted the case from the cashier.

She had bought several TMs for her Pokémon to use today in training. Yesterday they worked on the physical components like dodging speed and stamina. Today, they will be working on their moves.

"Okay Nagini."said Serena. "The way this works is that I return you to your pokeball and place it into the small slot in you pokeball. I swipe the TM and knowledge of the move is transferred directly to you. I'll do it with both moves and then after I do it to the others, we'll test them out."

Nagini nodded in anticipation, her response producing a grin on Serena's face. After the fiasco with Kevin and Tepig, her starter was definitely excited about getting stronger.

She lightly tapped Nagini's forehead with the ball, watching as the Snivy was sucked into the opening orb.

She started with Toxic, then Double Team, before releasing the eager grass type again. "Okay, Start with Toxic."

With a deep breath, Nagini closed her eyes, muscles tensing in concentration.

Toxic was a very useful Poison type move, especially for non-poison types. It was a must have for Nagini's arsenal. It was excellent status move that could hammer down an opponent's defenses when used efficiently. Unfortunately, just like with most moves, it was easier to master if the user was the same Type as it. Nagini wasn't a poison type, so the learning curve would be fairly noticeable. However, being grass type would make learning the move a little bit easier. With the move likely being essential for the plan the got for Nacrene, honing the grass type's usage of it would be a prerequisite that they couldn't visit the Gym without. It was good to have it. Just in case.

After a while, Nagini began to spit up little blobs of poison. The move was clearly imperfect, the small amount of poison spat out making it obvious. It wouldn't be enough to actually poison a Pokémon.

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