The Brothers

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Serena watched her Pokémon play in the water. Currently, Nagini was playing around, accidentally splashing Grace who took the attack with a smile. She didn't seem to be bothered by it.

"Serena! Ow!"

The girl rubbed her arm in pain where Serena smacked it. "What are you doing?"

"Why does everyone keep insisting on sneaking up on me?!"

"Why does wha-" The girl shook her head. "I saw you and thought I would come over and say hi. Plus ask for a battle."

Serena shook her head. "No thank you. My Pokémon and I are relaxing for today. Plus training just finished up and we're both tired."

Serena said that knowing Nagini would probably want to battle. The way the Snivy saw it: the more they battle, the closer they are to their goal.

"You're tired? From what?"

Serena just shook her head and sat back down. The girl sat beside her.

"So what are you doing here Amber? Jonathan's waiting for you in Accumula Town you know?"

Amber sighed. "I know. That's why I'm going back. I drove to the first city instead of walking so I could use the training center and visit Yuna. I battled the gym leader there but I lost."

Serena hummed. It seems she would need to have some special training for the gym battle. The gym leaders there are sounding tougher and tougher to beat.

"Speaking of Yuna, how has she been?"

Amber drew a short intake of breath. "Well she's a trainer now just like the rest of us but was given a Bulbasaur instead from the gym leaders there."

Serena stored the info for later. "What about Amelia?"

"She stayed in Striaton City. She's pretty determined to beat Cilan. Her Pidove's actually listening to her now so..."

Serena smiled a little, getting more comfortable against the tree she was leaning on. "That's good. Her Pokémon listening to her I mean."

Amber nodded. "Mm. You should have seen them before. They were always quarreling, left and right."

That's was the total opposite of what Serena and Snivy had to go through. Serena sent a quick thanks to Arceus for being on her side.

"Can I camp out here with you?" Amber suddenly asked. Serena faced her. "Sure. I see no problem with that. Just quick warning. Grace is a bit curious about almost everything. She's nice though and doesn't mean any harm."

Amber nodded a bit. "Grace?"

"My Audino."

That's when Amber took notice of the Pokémon playing in the water. "Oh."

Serena smiled. "Yeah. She might stare and Nagini might glare but they won't bother you other than that."

Amber stared at the Pokémon duo. "Ok."


Amber stared at the Snivy currently glaring at her. She was about to wake up Serena to tell her that she would be leaving but she guessed not.

"Can you wake her up then?" Amber asked to see if that would console it. It ignored her and walked up to its sleeping trainer and slowly shook her.

With a sleepy groan, she awoke. "Wha-?"

"Serena, I'm leaving ok?"

Serena blinked at her drowsily before dropping her head back down. "Yeah, sure, bye." Then she went back to sleep.

Little Miss EmpressWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu