E P I L O G U E ; Cured

Start from the beginning

"What time did Kate get back from her solo?" I question, my eyes steadying on Kate's sleeping body that sits against the willow tree.

Kate has been gone for about three days on a solo mission as an "observer" for him down in Wisconsin.

"Got back around Six this morning, I was sitting out here 'n watched her come through the pines and decide to collapse under the willow." Tim shrugs before standing up, stretching in the process.

"Breakfast's ready!" Tobies shout makes Kate quickly stand up and step into view from the willow trees branches.

Tim laughs, earning the bird from Kate.

We all walk inside, it feels good to be in the shade. Entering the kitchen, theres already plates with breakfast sitting at the kitchen table, ready to be eaten.

"How was the mission, Kate?" Brian's finally started calling Kate by her preferred name, not "Katelyn". She finally went bat shit crazy on Brian one night and ever since then Brian's been good at calling Kate by her name.

I personally never knew why the woman didn't like it when her full name was said to her face, or spoken of at all. But it turns out, her close family used to call her "Katelyn" instead of "Kate".

No one called her Kate before him. So whenever she heard the seven letter name called out specifically to her, it was like hearing the ghost of a dead relative whisper a heart breaking message in your ear.


I sit beside Brian at the wooden kitchen table, picking up my utensil to eat my breakfast. The others quietly stuff their mouths, hungry. As I let my breakfast melt on to my tongue, the urge to throw up is absent.

When sitting at the kitchen table, I no longer break down crying at thoughts of the past, sit spaced out or even go the whole time without speaking.

The morning sun shines in through the kitchen window and onto Tobies face, displaying his freckles. I think it's beautiful, how such a normalized object can make one glow so unique.

"I'll take the truck into town today to get groceries and some tools for the broken shower." Kate speaks up, setting down a leftover piece of the crust to her peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Brian hums, nodding in acknowledgement.

Instead of the two being on separate "teams", they've seemed to accept eachother. Brian's loud, stern yet playful aurora was hard to connect with Kate's reckless, silent energy, but yet here we are without the two making snide remarks towards eachother.

"Can you buy me tea? I'm running out." The curley haired brunette enters the conversation. Toby drops his fork onto his plate, littered with pancake crumbs. His brown eyes connect with Kates.

Something I've noticed in Tobies look, is that his rudeness, his longing to see hurt in others eyes, has died.

"Sure, what kind?" I take in a deep breath, setting down the last of my breakfast back down onto my plate. Pushing myself up, I look down to see Brian spacing out on the window.

I grasp the side of his head and lean down, to lay a delicate kiss on his temple before curving around the table on my way towards the kitchen sink to wash my plate.

My mind drowns myself out of the conversation. I wash the dawn dishsoap thrive into soap suds on my glass plate, my fingers grow soft.

At my side, Tim comes up with three plates. His flannel is rolled up to his elbows, letting his scars show. I think it's pleasant, to have him be comfortable around me without feeling the need to hide his vulnerable side
Of him.

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